

2021-07-28 11:54:25


[更好的阅读体验](https://sophonci117.me/archives/2192384774/) ## 缘起 因为更新后的的butterfly主题需要新版的Hexo,所以将Hexo更新到了5.4.0。但直接`npm install hexo`产生了一堆Warning,修改`package.json`有可能会破坏依赖。查找了相关资料后才得知更新Node.js项目需要使用`npm-check`和`npm-upgrade`两个包。 ## 更新 ### 安装 ```bash npm install -g npm-check npm install -g npm-upgrade ``` ### 使用 运行`npm-check`会检测可用的更新。 ```bash hexo ???? UPDATE! Your local install is out of date. https://hexo.io/ npm install --save [email protected] to go from 5.0.1 to 5.4.0 hexo-abbrlink ???? NOTUSED? Still using hexo-abbrlink? Depcheck did not find code similar to require('hexo-abbrlink') or import from 'hexo-abbrlink'. Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used. Use --skip-unused to skip this check. To remove this package: npm uninstall --save hexo-abbrlink hexo-deployer-git ???? MAJOR UP Major update available. https://hexo.io/ npm install --save [email protected] to go from 2.1.0 to 3.0.0 ???? NOTUSED? Still using hexo-deployer-git? Depcheck did not find code similar to require('hexo-deployer-git') or import from 'hexo-deployer-git'. Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used. Use --skip-unused to skip this check. To remove this package: npm uninstall --save hexo-deployer-git ``` `npm-upgrade`则会更新你的`package.json`文件。 ```bash Checking for outdated dependencies for "/Users/sophon/Documents/blog/package.json"... [====================] 15/15 100% New versions of active modules available: hexo ^5.0.1 → ^5.4.0 hexo-deployer-git ^2.1.0 → ^3.0.0 hexo-generator-search ^2.4.0 → ^2.4.3 hexo-renderer-pug ^1.0.0 → ^2.0.0 hexo-renderer-stylus ^1.1.0 → ^2.0.1 ? Update "hexo" in package.json from ^5.0.1 to ^5.4.0? Yes ? Update "hexo-deployer-git" in package.json from ^2.1.0 to ^3.0.0? Yes ? Update "hexo-generator-search" in package.json from ^2.4.0 to ^2.4.3? Yes ? Update "hexo-renderer-pug" in package.json from ^1.0.0 to ^2.0.0? Yes ? Update "hexo-renderer-stylus" in package.json from ^1.1.0 to ^2.0.1? Yes These packages will be updated: hexo ^5.0.1 → ^5.4.0 hexo-deployer-git ^2.1.0 → ^3.0.0 hexo-generator-search ^2.4.0 → ^2.4.3 hexo-renderer-pug ^1.0.0 → ^2.0.0 hexo-renderer-stylus ^1.1.0 → ^2.0.1 ? Update package.json? Yes ``` 此时再运行`npm install --save`按照`package.json`文件内容进行更新。 查看Hexo版本: ``` hexo: 5.4.0 hexo-cli: 4.2.0 os: Darwin 20.5.0 darwin x64 node: 12.22.1 v8: uv: 1.40.0 zlib: 1.2.11 brotli: 1.0.9 ares: 1.16.1 modules: 72 nghttp2: 1.41.0 napi: 8 llhttp: 2.1.3 http_parser: 2.9.4 openssl: 1.1.1k cldr: 39.0 icu: 69.1 tz: 2021a unicode: 13.0 ``` 完结,撒花!