

2018-08-30 18:26:40


The way to set the backlight: There is a file called "brightness" in the path: /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/ (It seemed that not everyone's path is that and my path is) Then edit the file "brightness" and save and the backlight will be changed. there are a file called "max_brightness" seemed like to set the number of max brightness. If you are failed at installing vim and the xterm said "has no installation candidate": I have this question after change another slax system wich fix on 32-bit machines. You just need to run "apt-get update" and run "apt-get install vim" again. By the way, "apt-get update" is a so convience instruction that it can not only fix many kinds of question about packages installing but also make another packages installing faster than before. How to fonfig the xterm? Run "vim ~/.Xresources" to open the fonfig file and modify the attribute called "xterm\*faceName". Someone's system may be different as mine that their xterm config file called "Xdefaults". It is a good idea to check which is your file name to check if there are already many attributes exist. Attention the directions at the top of the file. You shuold run " xrdb -merge .Xresource " to make your option effective. Install Chinese Character: apt-get install wqy-* How to connect the internet by local connection? The Net Manager in slax is seemed that not good to use when you want to connect the internet by local connection. It is a successable way to config the internet connection by running instructions at the xterm by yourself. First, run "ifconifg -a" to check the internet attribute. The result in my machine is this: ``` enp4s0: flags=...... inet6 ...... ether ...... ``` The string "enp4s0" is my network card's name. Second, run "ifconfig YourNetworkCardName YourIPAdress" to sconfig you ip adress. For example, my network card's name is "enp4s0" and my ip adress is "", the I run "ifconfig enp4s0". Run "ifconfig enp4s0" can check if you have successfully configed the ip adress. Next, config the gateway. The instruction is "route add default gw YourGateway". For example, "route add default gw". Run "route -n" to check the gateway. Last, run "vim /etc/resolv.conf" to config the netmask. I have the vim in my system while you can use another text editor to modify this file as well. In this file, you can add the suitable netmaskes such as "" or "". After all these operations, your (At least mine) machine's local connection is already configed. You can run "ping" to check if your local connection is correctly configed.