AtCoder Beginner Contest 115 D——Christmas


2018-12-08 23:31:23


# B类 # 题目链接: # 原题: **Problem Statement** In some other world, today is Christmas. Mr. Takaha decides to make a multi-dimensional burger in his party. A level-L burger (L is an integer greater than or equal to 0) is the following thing: A level-0 burger is a patty. A level-L burger (L≥1) is a bun, a level-(L−1) burger, a patty, another level-(L−1) burger and another bun, stacked vertically in this order from the bottom. For example, a level-1 burger and a level-2 burger look like BPPPB and BBPPPBPBPPPBB (rotated 90 degrees), where B and P stands for a bun and a patty. The burger Mr. Takaha will make is a level-N burger. Lunlun the Dachshund will eat X layers from the bottom of this burger (a layer is a patty or a bun). How many patties will she eat? **Constraints** 1≤N≤50 1≤X≤( the total number of layers in a level-N burger ) N and X are integers. **输入格式:** Input is given from Standard Input in the following format: N X **输出格式:** Print the number of patties in the bottom-most X layers from the bottom of a level-N burger. **输入样例1:** 2 7 **输出样例1:** 4 There are 4 patties in the bottom-most 7 layers of a level-2 burger (BBPPPBPBPPPBB). **输入样例2:** 1 1 **输出样例2:** 0 The bottom-most layer of a level-1 burger is a bun. **输入样例3:** 50 4321098765432109 **输出样例3:** 2160549382716056 A level-50 burger is rather thick, to the extent that the number of its layers does not fit into a 32-bit integer. ------------ # 题意: 吃汉堡,汉堡的规律已在题目中给出。求吃了N层的时候吃了多少层肉饼 # 思路: 孔妹妹的思路,将汉堡分成五个部分 B(L-1)P(L-1)B 当前N级汉堡的总层数是通过递归求出,递归方程: (N-1)*2+3 if(n>1) 5 if(n==1) 当前N级汉堡的肉数也是通过递归求出的,递归方程: (N-1)*2+1 if(n>1) 3 if(n==1) 如果现在X落在第二第四部分,递归到下一层,如此下去,总能找到落在第一第三第五层,就可直接输出答案了。 # AC代码: ``` #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<cstring> using namespace std; #include<algorithm> #include<queue> typedef long long ll; #include<vector> #define cin(n) scanf("%lld",&(n)) #define cout(n) printf("%lld",(n)) #define couc(c) printf("%c",(c)) #define coutn printf("\n") #define cout_ printf(" ") #define debug() printf("haha\n") const int MAXN= 1e6 + 5 ; ll t; ll n,k; ll hamburger[MAXN]={1,5}; ll meat[MAXN]={1,3}; ll onemeat[MAXN]={0,0,1,2,3,3}; ll rou=3; ll now=5; ll an; ll findmeat(ll x,ll m) { if(m==1) return onemeat[x]; if(x==1) return 0; else if(x<hamburger[m]/2+1) return findmeat(x-1,m-1); else if(x==hamburger[m]/2+1) return meat[m-1]+1; else if(x>hamburger[m]/2+1&&x!=hamburger[m]) return meat[m-1]+1+findmeat(x-hamburger[m]/2-1,m-1); else if(x==hamburger[m]) return meat[m]; } int main() { cin(n); cin(k); for(int i=2;i<=n;i++) { meat[i]=meat[i-1]*2+1; hamburger[i]=hamburger[i-1]*2+3; } ll ans=findmeat(k,n); cout(ans); coutn; return 0; } ```