
P1200 [USACO1.1] 你的飞碟在这儿 Your Ride Is Here

by _StarDust @ 2019-04-26 10:30:39

@[WNLJOKER](/space/show?uid=179501) 大概是 input() 的时候读入了一些不可见字符,判掉就好了 QwQ ```py # the map (char -> int) 'A':1 , 'B':2 etc. dict_map = {} for i in range (1,27): dict_map[chr(64+i)] = i FOURTY_SEVEN = 47 # get the name comet_name = input() team_name = input() # culculate the product of name comet_name_product = 1 for this_num in comet_name: if this_num < 'A' or this_num > 'Z': continue #print(this_num) comet_name_product *= dict_map[this_num] team_name_product = 1 for this_num in team_name: if this_num < 'A' or this_num > 'Z': continue #print(this_num) team_name_product *= dict_map[this_num] # check the name are fit or not if (comet_name_product % FOURTY_SEVEN) == (team_name_product % FOURTY_SEVEN): print('GO') else : print('STAY') ```
by 龙之吻—水货 @ 2019-04-26 10:56:26

@[龙之吻—水货](/space/show?uid=49866) 好的大佬,我试试
by WNLJOKER @ 2019-04-26 10:58:20

@[陌笙丶](/space/show?uid=98193) 是太啰嗦了吗
by WNLJOKER @ 2019-04-26 10:58:31

@[WNLJOKER](/space/show?uid=179501) 不,是我看不懂,我学的C++
by _StarDust @ 2019-04-26 11:00:10

@[龙之吻—水货](/space/show?uid=49866) 让我奇怪的是,题目说了彗星和团队的名字只有大写字母。。emmm
by WNLJOKER @ 2019-04-26 11:00:26

@[WNLJOKER](/space/show?uid=179501) 不是因为有其他字母,似乎是因为 `input()` 读入了 '\r', '\n' 之类的东西
by 龙之吻—水货 @ 2019-04-26 11:03:24

@[龙之吻—水货](/space/show?uid=49866) 这样啊。。换行符不是作为终止输入的标志,不会的读入的吗、。。
by WNLJOKER @ 2019-04-26 11:04:02

@[WNLJOKER](/space/show?uid=179501) 但实际上 input() 真的把换行符读进来了 QAQ
by 龙之吻—水货 @ 2019-04-26 11:08:34

@[龙之吻—水货](/space/show?uid=49866) 好的,谢谢大佬,以后input之后第一件事干掉\n
by WNLJOKER @ 2019-04-26 11:09:11
