
P1046 [NOIP2005 普及组] 陶陶摘苹果

## 做完之后先试一下样例,样例都过不了就别交了 ## 输入格式看清楚不谢 ```pas var x,y,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10:longint; begin read(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10); read(y);//y在第二行输入,这样就可以AC x:=0; if (y<a1) then if (y+30>=a1) then x:=x+1 else x:=x else x:=x+1; if (y<a2) then if (y+30>=a2) then x:=x+1 else x:=x else x:=x+1; if (y<a3) then if (y+30>=a3) then x:=x+1 else x:=x else x:=x+1; if (y<a4) then if (y+30>=a4) then x:=x+1 else x:=x else x:=x+1; if (y<a5) then if (y+30>=a5) then x:=x+1 else x:=x else x:=x+1; if (y<a6) then if (y+30>=a6) then x:=x+1 else x:=x else x:=x+1; if (y<a7) then if (y+30>=a7) then x:=x+1 else x:=x else x:=x+1; if (y<a8) then if (y+30>=a8) then x:=x+1 else x:=x else x:=x+1; if (y<a9) then if (y+30>=a9) then x:=x+1 else x:=x else x:=x+1; if (y<a10) then if (y+30>=a10) then x:=x+1 else x:=x else x:=x+1; write(x); end. ``` 不过其实这道题用循环和数组更方便 ```pas` var a:array[1..10] of longint; i,b,n:longint; begin b:=0;//计数器 for i:=1 to 10 do read(a[i]);//读入 read(n); for i:=1 to 10 do if a[i]<=n+30 then b:=b+1;//统计 writeln(b); end. ```
by owogon @ 2017-04-28 16:44:55

```cpp var a:array[1..10] of longint; i,b,n:longint; begin b:=0;//计数器 for i:=1 to 10 do read(a[i]);//读入 read(n); for i:=1 to 10 do if a[i]<=n+30 then b:=b+1;//统计 writeln(b); end. ``` markdown完美的炸了
by owogon @ 2017-04-28 16:46:34

''' #include<iostream> '''
by 何炜华8864 @ 2017-04-28 16:50:00

@[姚起龙](/space/show?uid=18301) 是的啊,开始没有想到诶qwq,还是笨办法qwq
by 栀久qwq @ 2017-04-28 20:22:35
