
P1575 正误问题

@[magooli](/space/show?uid=19809) 作为逻辑运算的时候怎么当英语看?
by owlAlice @ 2017-07-06 13:02:57

@[ljchenyuxuan](/space/show?uid=36390) and是和,or是或者,not是不、这不就是英语吗
by 中2少年雷耶斯 @ 2017-07-06 13:19:17

by lemir3 @ 2017-08-24 21:39:57

@[LiBai](/space/show?uid=25210) 你在瞎说什么? @[ljchenyuxuan](/space/show?uid=36390) - a and b
by yltx @ 2017-08-26 16:46:31

```cpp @[LiBai](/space/show?uid=25210) 你在瞎说什么? @[ljchenyuxuan](/space/show?uid=36390) - a and b= a&&b - a or b = a||b - not a = !a ```
by yltx @ 2017-08-26 16:47:56

```cpp true or false and false =(1 || (0 && 0)) ```
by iotang @ 2017-09-18 20:42:06

**c++的关键字就有and,or和not** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ true false not
by Peter_Z @ 2017-10-15 13:36:38

@[中2少年雷耶斯](/space/show?uid=19809) 和英语中的表示又不一样啊 你告诉我在这题里面and表示并列关系?
by owlAlice @ 2018-03-02 20:31:37

and=&& or=|| not=!
by 作死成功了 @ 2018-07-20 16:11:08

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