
P1067 [NOIP2009 普及组] 多项式输出

再写了一遍 又变成10分了ovo ```cpp program P1067; var n,m,i:longint; a:array[1..3000] of longint; begin readln(n); m:=n+1; for i:=1 to n+1 do read(a[i]); for i:=1 to n-1 do begin if a[i]=0 then begin dec(n); continue; end; if i=n-1 then begin if a[i]>0 then write('+',a[i]) else write(a[i]); dec(n,1); continue; end; if a[i]=1 then begin write('+x^',n); dec(n); continue; end; if a[i]=-1 then begin write('-x^',n); dec(n); continue; end; if (i<>1)and(a[i]>0) then write('+',a[i],'x^',n) else write(a[i],'x^',n); dec(n,1); end; if a[m]>0 then write('+',a[m]); if a[m]<0 then write(a[m]); end. ```
by chinazhengzehao @ 2017-08-15 18:35:18
