
P1037 [NOIP2002 普及组] 产生数

var a,x,y:array[0..100] of longint;c:char;pp,i,j,ma,n:longint; ```cpp function fun(l:longint):longint; var i,h,h1,s1,p,q:longint;b,b1:array[0..100] of boolean;s:array[0..100] of longint; begin fun:=1; h:=0; fillchar(b,sizeof(b),true); s1:=a[l]; p:=1;q:=0;h1:=0; while (b[s1]=true) and (p>q) do begin b[s1]:=false; fillchar(b1,sizeof(b1),true); h:=0; for i:=1 to n do begin if (s1=x[i]) and (b1[y[i]]=true) then begin if (y[i]=s1) then begin b1[y[i]]:=false; continue; end; if (l=1) and (y[i]<>0) then begin inc(h); b1[y[i]]:=false; if b[y[i]]=true then begin s[p]:=y[i]; inc(p); end; end; if (l<>1) then begin inc(h); b1[y[i]]:=false; if b[y[i]]=true then begin s[p]:=y[i]; inc(p); end; end; end; end; if h>h1 then begin h1:=h;end; inc(q);s1:=s[q]; end; if l=pp then begin if h1=0 then begin exit(1);end; if h1>0 then begin exit(h1+1);end; end else begin fun:=fun(l+1)*(h1+1); end; end; begin read(c); pp:=0; while c<>' ' do begin inc(pp); a[pp]:=ord(c)-48; read(c); end; readln(n); ma:=0; for i:=1 to n do read(x[i],y[i]); ma:=fun(1); writeln(ma); end. 现在是开大范围之后的代码。60分,最后两个RE ```
by zhanghanning @ 2017-11-07 19:54:20

by zhanghanning @ 2017-11-07 20:34:34

by jinhaoxian @ 2018-06-25 21:31:24
