
P2327 [SCOI2005] 扫雷

现在90,第三个点WA ```cpp var n,i:longint; a,e:array[1..100000] of longint; function sc(x:longint):longint; var sum:longint; begin sum:=0;sc:=0; if x>n then exit(1); if (e[x-1]=1) and (x>1) then sum:=sum+1; if (e[x]=1) then sum:=sum+1; if (sum>a[x]) or (x<>1) and (sum<a[x]-1) then exit(0); if x=1 then begin if a[1]>2 then exit(0); if a[1]=2 then begin e[x]:=1; e[x+1]:=1; sc:=sc+sc(x+1); end; if a[1]=1 then begin e[x]:=1; sc:=sc+sc(x+1); e[x]:=0; e[x+1]:=1; sc:=sc+sc(x+1); end; end else begin if sum=a[x] then sc:=sc(x+1)+sc; if (sum=a[x]-1) and (x<>n) then begin e[x+1]:=1;sc:=sc(x+1)+sc; end; end; end; begin readln(n); for i:=1 to n do read(a[i]); writeln(sc(1)); end. ```
by lamboo @ 2017-11-18 21:59:54

by stray_233 @ 2017-11-19 16:30:59
