Pay Attention to the EIGHTH Point!!!

P2327 [SCOI2005] 扫雷

**Do not ask me why. Don't believe brother, brother is only a legend just like the problem of what does the fox say.** **Do not ask me why. Don't believe brother, brother is only a legend just like the problem of what does the fox say.** **Do not ask me why. Don't believe brother, brother is only a legend just like the problem of what does the fox say.**
by Owen_codeisking @ 2018-01-20 21:01:18

sorry for not understanding you words due to my poor Eng.
by Carrot_killer @ 2018-01-20 21:58:02

because you download the eighth input and output file\n,and...(kinds of cheat:))
by nitrobenzene @ 2018-01-21 22:20:10 a kind of special judge(funny)
by star_magic_young @ 2018-02-25 21:32:56

I just want to 静静。 This is a kingdom of English. You're welcome.
by 依依 @ 2018-03-17 20:42:25

Sorry I can't speak English.Can you speak Chinese?
by 陈阳蒟蒻 @ 2018-03-21 20:43:12

@[xcyhbp](/space/show?uid=40835) you are even more show than old alone show is
by 长河落日 @ 2018-03-26 13:51:47

$Can$ $you$ $ speak$ $\color{red}Chinese$ $?$
by char32_t @ 2018-04-21 14:15:41

by ⑨baka @ 2018-07-03 12:28:23

@[Owen_codeisking](/user/35069) Are you CHINESE???????
by him0715 @ 2023-02-04 17:22:18
