萌新求助splay $84$ 分

P1801 黑匣子

您是猛新吧,我比较菜,不过您可以参考一下我的Splay代码 ```cpp //this cochu is written by dd,please do not copy. //被迫卡时间的方法 //(double)clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC <= 0.95 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define MAX 0x7fffffff #define RG register const int mod = 1e9 + 7; typedef long long ll; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const int inf=6*200100; int tot,Root; int son[inf][2];// 0->left 1->right int val[inf];// 节点的值 int cnt[inf];//有多少个这个值 int size[inf];// 所在子树元素个数 int fa[inf];// 父亲节点下标 inline bool Dir(int x){ return son[fa[x]][1]==x; } inline void pushup(int x){ size[x]=size[son[x][0]]+size[son[x][1]]+cnt[x]; } inline void rotate(int x){//旋转 int y=fa[x],z=fa[y],k=Dir(x),w=son[x][k^1]; son[y][k]=w; fa[w]=y; son[z][Dir(y)]=x; fa[x]=z; son[x][k^1]=y; fa[y]=x; pushup(y);pushup(x); } inline void splay(int x,int goal=0){//没有填写伸展目标是默认为根节点 while (fa[x]!=goal){ int y=fa[x],z=fa[y]; if (z!=goal) { if(Dir(x)==Dir(y)) rotate(y); else rotate(x); } rotate(x); } if(!goal) Root=x;//当前节点伸展目标为根,更新根节点位置 } void find(int x){//寻找x并将他伸展至根,如果x不存在,就会找到当前数的前驱或后继 int cur=Root; while(son[cur][x>val[cur]]&&val[cur]!=x) cur=son[cur][x>val[cur]]; splay(cur); } inline void Insert(int x){//插入 int cur=Root,p=0; while(cur&&val[cur]!=x) { p=cur; cur=son[cur][x>val[cur]]; } if(cur) cnt[cur]++; else { cur=++tot; if(p) son[p][x>val[p]]=cur; son[cur][0]=son[cur][1]=0; val[cur]=x;fa[cur]=p; cnt[cur]=size[cur]=1; } splay(cur); } inline int Last(int x)//求前驱 (前驱定义为小于x,且最大的数) { find(x); if(val[Root]<x) return Root;//x不存在,根就可能为前驱/后驱 int cur=son[Root][0]; while(son[cur][1]) cur=son[cur][1]; splay(cur); return cur; } inline int Next(int x)//求后驱 (后继定义为大于x,且最小的数) { find(x); if(val[Root]>x) return Root; int cur=son[Root][1]; while(son[cur][0]) cur=son[cur][0]; splay(cur); return cur; } void Delete(int x){ int L=Last(x),R=Next(x); splay(L);splay(R,L); int del=son[R][0]; if(cnt[del]>1) { cnt[del]--;splay(del);} else son[R][0]=0; pushup(R);pushup(Root); } int Kth(int k){ int cur=Root; while(1){ if(k<=size[son[cur][0]]&&son[cur][0]) cur=son[cur][0]; else if(k>size[son[cur][0]]+cnt[cur]){ k-=size[son[cur][0]]+cnt[cur]; cur=son[cur][1]; } else{ splay(cur); return cur; } } } int GetRank(int x) { find(x); if(val[Root]<x) return size[son[Root][0]]+cnt[Root]; else return size[son[Root][0]]; } int m,n,a[(int)2e5+5],u[(int)2e5+5]; int main() { scanf("%d%d",&m,&n); for(int i=1;i<=m;++i) scanf("%d",&a[i]); for(int i=1;i<=n;++i) scanf("%d",&u[i]); int k=1,j=1; for(int i=1;i<=m;++i) { Insert(a[i]); while(u[j]==i) { ++j; printf("%d\n",val[Kth(k)]); ++k; } } return 0; }
by anonymous_letter @ 2022-03-23 20:40:01

借楼问一下:92分,已经是楼上的主程序了,请问该如何通过 ```cpp #include <cstdio> #include <cctype> #include <cmath> #include <cstring> #include <type_traits> #include <random> #define uint64_t unsigned #define size_t int #line 1 "read\\read.h" #if __cplusplus < 201703L namespace std { template <typename _Tp> constexpr bool is_integral_v = is_integral<_Tp>::value; template <typename _Tp> constexpr bool is_signed_v = is_signed<_Tp>::value; } #endif inline namespace __my_detail { #define cin __my_detail::inputHelper<65536, 128>::getInstance() #define getchar() ({char c = cin.getChar_Checked(); cin.next(); c; }) #define cout __my_detail::outputHelper<65536>::getInstance() #define putchar cout.putChar #define endl '\n' #define putlog(...) __my_detail::printLog(", ", __VA_ARGS__) template <uint64_t _BufferSize = 65536, uint64_t _BlockSize = 128> class inputHelper { FILE *m_filePtr; char m_buf[_BufferSize], *m_end, *m_cursor; bool m_ok; void flush() { uint64_t a = m_end - m_cursor; if (a >= _BlockSize) return; memmove(m_buf, m_cursor, a); uint64_t b = fread(m_buf + a, 1, _BufferSize - a, m_filePtr); m_cursor = m_buf; if (a + b < _BufferSize) { m_end = m_buf + a + b; *m_end = EOF; } } public: explicit inputHelper(const char *inputFileName) : m_ok(true) { if (!*inputFileName) m_filePtr = stdin; else m_filePtr = fopen(inputFileName, "rt"); m_end = m_cursor = m_buf + _BufferSize; } ~inputHelper() { fclose(m_filePtr); } static inputHelper<_BufferSize, _BlockSize> &getInstance() { #ifdef OY_LOCAL static inputHelper<_BufferSize, _BlockSize> s_obj("in.txt"); #else static inputHelper<_BufferSize, _BlockSize> s_obj(""); #endif return s_obj; } static constexpr bool isBlank(char c) { return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r'; } static constexpr bool isEndline(char c) { return c == '\n' || c == EOF; } const char &getChar_Checked() { if (m_cursor < m_end) return *m_cursor; uint64_t b = fread(m_buf, 1, _BufferSize, m_filePtr); m_cursor = m_buf; if (b < _BufferSize) { m_end = m_buf + b; *m_end = EOF; } return *m_cursor; } const char &getChar_Unchecked() const { return *m_cursor; } void next() { ++m_cursor; } void setState(bool _ok) { m_ok = _ok; } template <typename _Tp, std::enable_if_t<std::is_signed_v<_Tp> & std::is_integral_v<_Tp>> * = nullptr> inputHelper<_BufferSize, _BlockSize> &operator>>(_Tp &ret) { while (isBlank(getChar_Checked())) next(); flush(); if (getChar_Unchecked() == '-') { next(); if (isdigit(getChar_Unchecked())) { ret = -(getChar_Unchecked() - '0'); while (next(), isdigit(getChar_Unchecked())) ret = ret * 10 - (getChar_Unchecked() - '0'); } else m_ok = false; } else { if (isdigit(getChar_Unchecked())) { ret = getChar_Unchecked() - '0'; while (next(), isdigit(getChar_Unchecked())) ret = ret * 10 + (getChar_Unchecked() - '0'); } else m_ok = false; } return *this; } explicit operator bool() { return m_ok; } }; template <uint64_t _BufferSize = 65536> class outputHelper { FILE *m_filePtr = nullptr; char m_buf[_BufferSize], *m_end, *m_cursor; char m_tempBuf[50], *m_tempBufCursor, *m_tempBufDot; public: outputHelper(const char *outputFileName) : m_end(m_buf + _BufferSize) { if (!*outputFileName) m_filePtr = stdout; else m_filePtr = fopen(outputFileName, "wt"); m_cursor = m_buf; m_tempBufCursor = m_tempBuf; } static outputHelper<_BufferSize> &getInstance() { #ifdef OY_LOCAL static outputHelper<_BufferSize> s_obj("out.txt"); #else static outputHelper<_BufferSize> s_obj(""); #endif return s_obj; } ~outputHelper() { flush(); fclose(m_filePtr); } outputHelper<_BufferSize> &flush() { fwrite(m_buf, 1, m_cursor - m_buf, m_filePtr); fflush(m_filePtr); m_cursor = m_buf; return *this; } void putChar(const char &c) { if (m_cursor == m_end) flush(); *m_cursor++ = c; } template <typename _Tp, std::enable_if_t<std::is_signed_v<_Tp> & std::is_integral_v<_Tp>> * = nullptr> outputHelper<_BufferSize> &operator<<(const _Tp &ret) { _Tp _ret = _Tp(ret); if (_ret >= 0) { do { *m_tempBufCursor++ = '0' + _ret % 10; _ret /= 10; } while (_ret); do putChar(*--m_tempBufCursor); while (m_tempBufCursor > m_tempBuf); } else { putChar('-'); do { *m_tempBufCursor++ = '0' - _ret % 10; _ret /= 10; } while (_ret); do putChar(*--m_tempBufCursor); while (m_tempBufCursor > m_tempBuf); } return *this; } outputHelper<_BufferSize> &operator<<(const char &ret) { putChar(ret); return *this; } }; } #line 5 "random\\random.h" template <class _UIntType, size_t w, size_t n, size_t m, size_t r, _UIntType a, size_t u, _UIntType d, size_t s, _UIntType b, size_t t, _UIntType c, size_t l, _UIntType f> class my_mersenne_twister_engine { _UIntType MT[n]; size_t index = 0; static_assert(std::is_unsigned<_UIntType>::value, "template argument " "subsituting _UIntType not an unsigned integral type"); static_assert(1u <= m && m <= n, "template arguments subsituting m out of bounds"); static_assert(r <= w, "template argument subsituting r out of bound"); static_assert(u <= w, "template argument subsituting u out of bound"); static_assert(s <= w, "template argument subsituting s out of bound"); static_assert(t <= w, "template argument subsituting t out of bound"); static_assert(l <= w, "template argument subsituting l out of bound"); static_assert(w <= std::numeric_limits<_UIntType>::digits, "template argument subsituting w out of bound"); static_assert(a <= (std::__detail::_Shift<_UIntType, w>::__value - 1), "template argument subsituting a out of bound"); static_assert(d <= (std::__detail::_Shift<_UIntType, w>::__value - 1), "template argument subsituting d out of bound"); static_assert(b <= (std::__detail::_Shift<_UIntType, w>::__value - 1), "template argument subsituting b out of bound"); static_assert(c <= (std::__detail::_Shift<_UIntType, w>::__value - 1), "template argument subsituting c out of bound"); static_assert(d <= (std::__detail::_Shift<_UIntType, w>::__value - 1), "template argument subsituting d out of bound"); static_assert(f <= (std::__detail::_Shift<_UIntType, w>::__value - 1), "template argument subsituting f out of bound"); static inline constexpr size_t min() noexcept { return std::numeric_limits<_UIntType>::min(); } static inline constexpr size_t max() noexcept { return std::numeric_limits<_UIntType>::max(); } public: static constexpr size_t word_size = w; static constexpr size_t state_size = n; static constexpr size_t shift_size = m; static constexpr size_t mask_bits = r; static constexpr _UIntType xor_mask = a; static constexpr size_t tempering_u = u; static constexpr _UIntType tempering_d = d; static constexpr size_t tempering_s = s; static constexpr _UIntType tempering_b = b; static constexpr size_t tempering_t = t; static constexpr _UIntType tempering_c = c; static constexpr size_t tempering_l = l; static constexpr _UIntType initialization_multiplier = f; static constexpr _UIntType default_seed = (_UIntType)5489u; public: typedef _UIntType result_type; explicit inline my_mersenne_twister_engine(result_type sd = default_seed) { seed(sd); } inline my_mersenne_twister_engine(const my_mersenne_twister_engine<_UIntType, w, n, m, r, a, u, d, s, b, t, c, l, f> &mt) : index(mt.index) { std::memcpy(MT, mt.MT, sizeof(mt.MT)); } public: inline constexpr void seed(_UIntType seed) { MT[0] = seed; index = 0; for (size_t i = 1; i < n; i++) { _UIntType tt = f * (MT[i - 1] ^ (MT[i - 1] >> 30)) + i; MT[i] = tt & d; } } template <class _Sseq, class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_class<_Sseq>::value>::type> inline constexpr void seed(_Sseq &seq) { const _UIntType UMask = (~_UIntType()) << r; const size_t k = (w + 31) >> 5; unsigned int *arr = new unsigned int[n * k]; seq.generate(arr, arr + n * k); bool zero = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { _UIntType factor = 1u; _UIntType sum = 0u; for (size_t j = 0; j < k; j++) { sum += arr[k * i + j] * factor; factor *= std::__detail::_Shift<_UIntType, 32>::value; } MT[i] = std::__detail::__mod<_UIntType, std::__detail::_Shift<_UIntType, w>::__value>(sum); if (zero) { if (!i) { if (MT[0] & UMask) { zero = false; } } else if (MT[i]) { zero = false; } } } if (zero) { MT[0] = std::__detail::_Shift<_UIntType, w - 1>::value; } } private: inline constexpr void gen() { for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { _UIntType y = (MT[i] & 0x80000000) + (MT[(i + 1) % n] & 0x7fffffff); MT[i] = MT[(i + m) % n] ^ (y >> 1); (y & 1) && (MT[i] ^= a); } } public: inline constexpr _UIntType operator()() { (!index) && (gen(), true); _UIntType y = MT[index]; y ^= y >> u; y ^= ((y << s) & b); y ^= ((y << t) & c); y ^= y >> l; index++; (index == n) && (index = 0); return y; } inline constexpr void discard(unsigned long long z) { for (unsigned long long x = 0; x < z; x++) { (!index) && (gen(), true); index++; (index == n) && (index = 0); } } }; typedef my_mersenne_twister_engine<std::uint_fast32_t, 32, 624, 397, 31, 2567483615, 11, 4294967295, 7, 2636928640, 15, 4022730752, 18, 1812433253> my_mt19937; typedef my_mersenne_twister_engine<std::uint_fast64_t, 64, 312, 156, 31, 13043109905998158313ULL, 29, 6148914691236517205ULL, 17, 8202884508482404352ULL, 37, 18444473444759240704ULL, 43, 6364136223846793005ull> my_mt19937_64; typedef my_mersenne_twister_engine<std::uint_fast32_t, 32, 1018209, 647951, 31, 2911395111, 13, 3194869609, 11, 1332494548, 21, 3979777640, 25, 3434100851> my_mt32582657; typedef my_mersenne_twister_engine<std::uint_fast64_t, 64, 509103, 254611, 31, 13043109905998158313ULL, 29, 6148914691236517205ULL, 17, 8202884508482404352ULL, 37, 18444473444759240704ULL, 43, 12058422346942301925ull> my_mt32582657_64; template <class _UIntType, _UIntType a, size_t u, _UIntType d, size_t s, _UIntType b, size_t t, _UIntType c, size_t l, _UIntType f> class my_xor_engine { _UIntType seed; static constexpr _UIntType w = std::numeric_limits<_UIntType>::digits; static_assert(std::is_unsigned<_UIntType>::value, "template argument " "subsituting _UIntType not an unsigned integral type"); static_assert(u <= w, "template argument subsituting u out of bound"); static_assert(s <= w, "template argument subsituting s out of bound"); static_assert(t <= w, "template argument subsituting t out of bound"); static_assert(l <= w, "template argument subsituting l out of bound"); static_assert(a <= (std::__detail::_Shift<_UIntType, w>::__value - 1), "template argument subsituting a out of bound"); static_assert(d <= (std::__detail::_Shift<_UIntType, w>::__value - 1), "template argument subsituting d out of bound"); static_assert(b <= (std::__detail::_Shift<_UIntType, w>::__value - 1), "template argument subsituting b out of bound"); static_assert(c <= (std::__detail::_Shift<_UIntType, w>::__value - 1), "template argument subsituting c out of bound"); static_assert(f <= (std::__detail::_Shift<_UIntType, w>::__value - 1), "template argument subsituting f out of bound"); public: typedef _UIntType result_type; my_xor_engine(_UIntType sd = (_UIntType)5489u) : seed(sd) {} _UIntType operator()() { seed ^= seed >> u & a; seed ^= seed << s & b; seed ^= seed << t & c; seed ^= seed >> l & d; seed ^= f; return seed; } }; typedef my_xor_engine<std::uint_fast64_t, 13043109905998158313ULL, 29, 6148914691236517205ULL, 17, 8202884508482404352ULL, 37, 18444473444759240704ULL, 43, 6364136223846793005ull> my_xor64; typedef my_xor_engine<std::uint_fast32_t, 2567483615, 11, 4294967295, 7, 2636928640, 15, 4022730752, 18, 1812433253> my_xor32; #line 1 "tree\\node_base.h" inline bool my_is_nullptr(void *ptr) { return (long long)ptr >= 0x200000000ll || (long long)ptr <= 0ll; } template <typename _Tp, typename _UIntType> class Node { public: size_t size; _Tp value; size_t cnt; _UIntType priority; Node *left, *right; Node(size_t s = 0, const _Tp &v = _Tp(), size_t c = 0, const _UIntType &pro = _UIntType(), Node *l = nullptr, Node *r = nullptr) : size(s), value(v), cnt(c), priority(pro), left(l), right(r) {} ~Node() = default; Node<_Tp, _UIntType> &operator=(const Node<_Tp, _UIntType> &o) { size = o.size; value = o.value; priority = o.priority; left = o.left; right = o.right; cnt = o.cnt; return *this; } inline void update() { size = cnt; if (!my_is_nullptr(left)) size += left->size; if (!my_is_nullptr(right)) size += right->size; } }; template <typename _Tp, typename _UIntType> inline void zig(Node<_Tp, _UIntType> *&cur) { Node<_Tp, _UIntType> *tmp = cur->left; cur->left = tmp->right; tmp->right = cur; tmp->update(); cur->update(); cur = tmp; } template <typename _Tp, typename _UIntType> inline void zag(Node<_Tp, _UIntType> *&cur) { Node<_Tp, _UIntType> *tmp = cur->right; cur->right = tmp->left; tmp->left = cur; tmp->update(); cur->update(); cur = tmp; } #line 1 "tree\\nrotate_treap.h" template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, typename _KeyOfValue, typename _Comp = std::less<_Tp>> class nrotate_treap { typedef typename _Rand::result_type _UIntType; Node<_Tp, _UIntType> *root; _KeyOfValue _key_of_value; std::greater<_UIntType> priority_comp; _Comp comp; _Rand rd; static void split(Node<_Tp, _UIntType> *cur, _Tp v, Node<_Tp, _UIntType> *&l, Node<_Tp, _UIntType> *&r, _KeyOfValue key_of_value, _Comp comp); template <typename _Priority_comp> static Node<_Tp, _UIntType> *merge(Node<_Tp, _UIntType> *l, Node<_Tp, _UIntType> *r, _Priority_comp comp); public: nrotate_treap() = default; ~nrotate_treap() = default; inline bool insert_unique(const _Tp &v); inline void insert_equal(const _Tp &v); inline void erase(const _Tp &v); inline _Tp lower_bound(const _Tp &v); inline _Tp upper_bound(const _Tp &v); inline size_t Rank(const _Tp &v); inline const _Tp operator[](size_t index) const; inline std::pair<_Tp, _Tp> equal_range(const _Tp &v); }; #line 1 "tree\\nrotate_treap.tcc" template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, typename _KeyOfValue, typename _Comp> void nrotate_treap<_Tp, _Rand, _KeyOfValue, _Comp>:: split(Node<_Tp, typename _Rand::result_type> *cur, _Tp v, Node<_Tp, typename _Rand::result_type> *&l, Node<_Tp, typename _Rand::result_type> *&r, _KeyOfValue key_of_value, _Comp comp) { if (!cur) { l = r = nullptr; return; } if (comp(key_of_value(v), key_of_value(cur->value))) { split(cur->left, v, l, cur->left, key_of_value, comp); cur->update(); r = cur; } else { split(cur->right, v, cur->right, r, key_of_value, comp); cur->update(); l = cur; } } template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, typename _KeyOfValue, typename _Comp> template <typename _Priority_comp> Node<_Tp, typename _Rand::result_type> *nrotate_treap<_Tp, _Rand, _KeyOfValue, _Comp>:: merge(Node<_Tp, typename _Rand::result_type> *l, Node<_Tp, typename _Rand::result_type> *r, _Priority_comp comp) { if (!l) return r; if (!r) return l; if (comp(l->priority, r->priority)) { l->right = merge(l->right, r, comp); l->update(); return l; } r->left = merge(l, r->left, comp); r->update(); return r; } template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, typename _KeyOfValue, typename _Comp> inline bool nrotate_treap<_Tp, _Rand, _KeyOfValue, _Comp>:: insert_unique(const _Tp &v) { Node<_Tp, typename _Rand::result_type> *l, *tmp, *r; split(root, v, l, r); split(l, v - 1, l, tmp); if (my_is_nullptr(tmp)) { tmp = new Node<_Tp, typename _Rand::result_type>(1, v, 1, rd(), nullptr, nullptr); } else { root = merge(merge(l, tmp, priority_comp), r, priority_comp); return false; } root = merge(merge(l, tmp, priority_comp), r, priority_comp); return true; } template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, typename _KeyOfValue, typename _Comp> inline void nrotate_treap<_Tp, _Rand, _KeyOfValue, _Comp>:: insert_equal(const _Tp &v) { Node<_Tp, typename _Rand::result_type> *l, *tmp, *r; split(root, v, l, r, _key_of_value, comp); split(l, v - 1, l, tmp, _key_of_value, comp); if (my_is_nullptr(tmp)) { tmp = new Node<_Tp, typename _Rand::result_type>(1, v, 1, rd(), nullptr, nullptr); } else { ++tmp->cnt; ++tmp->size; } root = merge(merge(l, tmp, priority_comp), r, priority_comp); } template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, typename _KeyOfValue, typename _Comp> inline void nrotate_treap<_Tp, _Rand, _KeyOfValue, _Comp>:: erase(const _Tp &v) { Node<_Tp, typename _Rand::result_type> *l, *tmp, *r; split(root, v, l, r, _key_of_value, comp); split(l, v - 1, l, tmp, _key_of_value, comp); if (my_is_nullptr(tmp)) { root = merge(l, r); return; } tmp = merge(tmp->left, tmp->right, priority_comp); root = merge(merge(l, tmp, priority_comp), r, priority_comp); return; } template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, typename _KeyOfValue, typename _Comp> inline const _Tp nrotate_treap<_Tp, _Rand, _KeyOfValue, _Comp>:: operator[](size_t index) const { Node<_Tp, typename _Rand::result_type> *u = root; while (!my_is_nullptr(u)) { size_t left_siz = (my_is_nullptr(u->left) ? 0 : u->left->size) + u->cnt; if (left_siz == index) break; if (left_siz < index) { index -= left_siz; if (my_is_nullptr(u->right)) return u->value; u = u->right; } else { if (my_is_nullptr(u->left)) return u->value; u = u->left; } } return u->value; } template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, typename _KeyOfValue, typename _Comp> inline size_t nrotate_treap<_Tp, _Rand, _KeyOfValue, _Comp>:: Rank(const _Tp &v) { Node<_Tp, typename _Rand::result_type> *x, *y; split(root, v - 1, x, y, _key_of_value, comp); size_t res = (my_is_nullptr(x) ? 0 : x->size) + x->cnt; root = merge(x, y, priority_comp); return res; } template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, typename _KeyOfValue, typename _Comp> inline _Tp nrotate_treap<_Tp, _Rand, _KeyOfValue, _Comp>:: lower_bound(const _Tp &v) { return this->operator[](Rank(v)); } template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, typename _KeyOfValue, typename _Comp> inline _Tp nrotate_treap<_Tp, _Rand, _KeyOfValue, _Comp>:: upper_bound(const _Tp &v) { return this->operator[](Rank(v) + 1); } template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, typename _KeyOfValue, typename _Comp> inline std::pair<_Tp, _Tp> nrotate_treap<_Tp, _Rand, _KeyOfValue, _Comp>:: equal_range(const _Tp &v) { return std::make_pair(lower_bound(v), upper_bound(v)); } #line 2 "P1801\\main.cpp" nrotate_treap<int, my_xor32, std::_Identity<int>, std::less<int>> tree; int m, n, a[200005], u[200005]; int main() { cin >> m >> n; for (int i = 1; i <= m; ++i) cin >> a[i]; for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) cin >> u[i]; int k = 1, j = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= m; ++i) { tree.insert_equal(a[i]); while (u[j] == i) { ++j; cout << tree[k] << endl; ++k; } } return 0; } ```
by Ruiqun2009 @ 2022-10-31 12:47:53
