
P3376 【模板】网络最大流

ISAP并行推流的算法写出来了,不过是java版的,放出来供参考: ```java import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Arrays; public class Main implements Runnable { static BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; static BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out)); static StreamTokenizer st = new StreamTokenizer(buf); public static int nextInt() throws IOException { st.nextToken(); return (int) st.nval; } public static String nextString() throws IOException { st.nextToken(); return st.sval; } public static void setNumStrMode() { st.ordinaryChars('0', '9'); st.wordChars('0', '9'); st.ordinaryChar('.'); st.wordChars('.', '.'); } //main public static void main(String[] args) { Main main = new Main(); new Thread(null, new Main(), "", 1 << 29).start(); } @[Override](/user/542747) public void run() { mainFunc(); } private void mainFunc() { try { int n = nextInt(); int m = nextInt(); int s = nextInt() - 1; int t = nextInt() - 1; init(n, m); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { int u = nextInt() - 1; int v = nextInt() - 1; int c = nextInt(); addEdge(v, u, 0, 0); addEdge(u, v, c, 0); } System.out.println(maxflow(s, t)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } //code static final long INF = 0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3fL; //边 & 反向边 int[] to; int[] nex; int[] head; int tot = 1; //反向边,初始化为1 int[] cap; //容量 int[] flow; //流量 int n, m, s, t; boolean[] vis; int[] d; int[] cur; int[] p; int[] num; long[] inFlow; long[] outFlow; public void addEdge(int u, int v, int cap, int flow) {[++tot] = v; this.nex[tot] = head[u]; this.head[u] = tot; this.cap[tot] = cap; this.flow[tot] = flow; } public void init(int n, int m) { this.n = n; this.m = m; //edge 从2开始 to = new int[m + 1 << 1]; nex = new int[to.length]; head = new int[n]; cap = new int[to.length]; flow = new int[to.length]; vis = new boolean[n]; d = new int[n]; p = new int[n]; num = new int[n + 1]; inFlow = new long[n]; outFlow = new long[n]; } private boolean bfs() { vis = new boolean[n]; ArrayDeque<Integer> queue = new ArrayDeque<>(n); queue.addLast(t); vis[t] = true; d[t] = 0; while (!queue.isEmpty()) { int u = queue.removeFirst(); for (int t = head[u]; t > 0; t = nex[t]) { int v = to[t]; //判断反边流量 if (!vis[v] && cap[t ^ 1] > flow[t ^ 1]) { vis[v] = true; d[v] = d[u] + 1; queue.addLast(v); } } } return vis[s]; } public long maxflow(int s, int t) { this.s = s; this.t = t; long fl = 0L; bfs(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { num[d[i]]++; } //dfs int x = s; cur = Arrays.copyOf(head, head.length); inFlow[s] = INF; outFlow[s] = 0; while (d[s] < n) { boolean flag = false; if (x != t && inFlow[x] > outFlow[x]) { for (int tt = cur[x]; tt > 0; tt = nex[tt]) { int v = to[tt]; if (cap[tt] > flow[tt] && d[x] == d[v] + 1) { flag = true; inFlow[v] = Math.min(inFlow[x] - outFlow[x], cap[tt] - flow[tt]); outFlow[v] = 0; p[v] = tt; cur[x] = tt; x = v; break; } } } if (!flag) { //增广标记不成功 if (x == s) { if (--num[d[x]] == 0) { break; } int m = n - 1; for (int i = head[x]; i > 0; i = nex[i]) { int v = to[i]; if (cap[i] > flow[i]) { m = Math.min(m, d[v]); } } num[d[x] = m + 1]++; cur[x] = head[x]; continue; } //目标t点,标记outFlow[x] = inFlow[x], 同时更新最大流fl if (x == t) { outFlow[x] = inFlow[x]; fl += outFlow[x]; } //非s点,进行边的流标记,并更新入边pre节点的outFlow if (x != s) { int tt = p[x]; int pre = to[tt ^ 1]; outFlow[pre] += outFlow[x]; flow[tt] += outFlow[x]; flow[tt ^ 1] -= outFlow[x]; } //当节点不是t,且有未推出的流时,表示此节点x在当前层与t节点不再联通,需要更新网络节点层 if (x != t && inFlow[x] > outFlow[x]) { //当前层节点数减一,当前层为0则退出 if (--num[d[x]] == 0) { break; } //计算x的可达节点的最小层m,默认为n-1 int m = n - 1; for (int i = head[x]; i > 0; i = nex[i]) { int v = to[i]; if (cap[i] > flow[i]) { m = Math.min(m, d[v]); } } //将x节点放入m+1层 num[d[x] = m + 1]++; //重置x节点的当前弧优化 cur[x] = head[x]; } //x!=s, x update to pre if (x != s) { x = to[p[x] ^ 1]; } } } return fl; } //end code } ```
by hulhul @ 2023-01-21 01:55:30
