
P3376 【模板】网络最大流

首先,你在long long和int 的转化上有问题,全改成long long 后82分 @[orekix](/user/917922) ```cpp #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; class Edge { public: ll to; ll weight; ll next; Edge(ll to, ll weight, ll next) : to(to), weight(weight), next(next) {} Edge() {}; }; ll m, n, S, T, cnt = 1; vector<Edge> graph; vector<ll> level, head; void addEdge(ll from, ll to, ll weight) { graph[++cnt] = Edge(to, weight, head[from]); head[from] = cnt; } bool bfs() { level = vector<ll>(n, 0); level[S] = 1; queue<ll> queue; queue.emplace(S); while (!queue.empty()) { ll u = queue.front(); queue.pop(); for (int i = head[u]; i; i = graph[i].next) { ll v = graph[i].to; ll weight = graph[i].weight; if (!level[v] && weight) { level[v] = level[u] + 1; if (v == T) return true; queue.emplace(v); } } } return false; } long long dfs(ll u, long long inFLow) { if (u == T) return inFLow; long long outFlow = 0; for (ll i = head[u]; i; i = graph[i].next) { ll v = graph[i].to; long long weight = graph[i].weight; if (level[v] == level[u] + 1 && weight) { long long flow = dfs(v, min(weight, inFLow)); if(!flow) level[v]=0; graph[i].weight -= flow; graph[i ^ 1].weight += flow; inFLow -= flow; outFlow += flow; if (!inFLow) break; } } if (outFlow == 0) level[u] = 0; return outFlow; } long long dinic() { long long maxFlow = 0; while (bfs()) { maxFlow += dfs(S, LONG_LONG_MAX); } return maxFlow; } int main() { cin >> n >> m >> S >> T; head = vector<ll>(n + 1, 0); graph = vector<Edge>(2 * m + 2); for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { ll from, to; long long weight; cin >> from >> to >> weight; addEdge(from, to, weight); addEdge(to, from, 0); } cout << dinic(); } ```
by Code_quantum @ 2023-02-03 18:56:03

by Code_quantum @ 2023-02-03 18:56:40

OK,通过了bfs里面的初始化有一点小问题 @[orekix](/user/917922) ```cpp #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; class Edge { public: ll to; ll weight; ll next; Edge(ll to, ll weight, ll next) : to(to), weight(weight), next(next) {} Edge() {}; }; ll m, n, S, T, cnt = 1; vector<Edge> graph; vector<ll> level, head; void addEdge(ll from, ll to, ll weight) { graph[++cnt] = Edge(to, weight, head[from]); head[from] = cnt; } bool bfs() { level = vector<ll>(n+1, 0); level[S] = 1; queue<ll> queue; queue.emplace(S); while (!queue.empty()) { ll u = queue.front(); queue.pop(); for (int i = head[u]; i; i = graph[i].next) { ll v = graph[i].to; ll weight = graph[i].weight; if (!level[v] && weight) { level[v] = level[u] + 1; if (v == T) return true; queue.emplace(v); } } } return false; } long long dfs(ll u, long long inFLow) { if (u == T) return inFLow; long long outFlow = 0; for (ll i = head[u]; i; i = graph[i].next) { ll v = graph[i].to; long long weight = graph[i].weight; if (level[v] == level[u] + 1 && weight) { long long flow = dfs(v, min(weight, inFLow)); if(!flow) level[v]=0; graph[i].weight -= flow; graph[i ^ 1].weight += flow; inFLow -= flow; outFlow += flow; if (!inFLow) break; } } if (outFlow == 0) level[u] = 0; return outFlow; } long long dinic() { long long maxFlow = 0; while (bfs()) { maxFlow += dfs(S, LONG_LONG_MAX); } return maxFlow; } int main() { cin >> n >> m >> S >> T; head = vector<ll>(n + 1, 0); graph = vector<Edge>(2 * m + 2); for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { ll from, to; long long weight; cin >> from >> to >> weight; addEdge(from, to, weight); addEdge(to, from, 0); } cout << dinic(); } ```
by Code_quantum @ 2023-02-03 18:58:19

@[Code_quantum](/user/933880) 谢谢大佬,没注意到是因为level数组初始化大小开始是从0开始的,后来改成从1开始但是忘改数组大小了o(╥﹏╥)o 。
by orekix @ 2023-02-03 19:16:26

@[orekix](/user/917922) 但是这个 Dinic 没有当前弧优化,时间复杂度是假的。
by reveal @ 2023-02-03 19:32:29
