
P5350 序列

```cpp // luogu-judger-enable-o2 #include <algorithm> #include <array> #include <bit> #include <bitset> #include <cassert> #include <climits> #include <cmath> #include <functional> #include <iostream> #include <limits> #include <list> #include <map> #include <memory> #include <numeric> #include <queue> #include <random> #include <set> #include <sstream> #include <stack> #include <string.h> #include <type_traits> #include <unordered_map> #include <cstdint> #include <utility> #if defined(_MSC_VER) #define __LANG__ _MSVC_LANG #elif defined(__cplusplus) #define __LANG__ __cplusplus #else #define __LANG__ 0L #endif #if __LANG__ < 201703L #error This file requires compiler and library support for the ISO C++ 2017 standard. \ This support must be enabled with the -std=c++17 or -std=gnu++17 compiler options. #endif namespace OY { #define cin OY::inputHelper<1 << 20, 20>::getInstance() #define getchar() ({char c=cin.getChar_Checked();cin.next();c; }) #define cout OY::outputHelper<1 << 20>::getInstance() #define putchar cout.putChar #define endl '\n' #define putlog(...) OY::printLog(", ", __VA_ARGS__) template <uint64_t _BufferSize = 1 << 20, uint64_t _BlockSize = 20> class inputHelper { public: FILE *m_filePtr; char m_buf[_BufferSize], *m_end, *m_cursor; bool m_ok; void flush() { uint64_t a = m_end - m_cursor; if (a >= _BlockSize) return; memmove(m_buf, m_cursor, a); uint64_t b = fread(m_buf + a, 1, _BufferSize - a, m_filePtr); m_cursor = m_buf; if (a + b < _BufferSize) { m_end = m_buf + a + b; *m_end = EOF; } } public: explicit inputHelper(const char *inputFileName) : m_ok(true) { if (!*inputFileName) m_filePtr = stdin; else m_filePtr = fopen(inputFileName, "rt"); m_end = m_cursor = m_buf + _BufferSize; } ~inputHelper() { fclose(m_filePtr); } static inputHelper<_BufferSize, _BlockSize> &getInstance() { static inputHelper<_BufferSize, _BlockSize> s_obj(""); return s_obj; } static constexpr bool isBlank(char c) { return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r'; } static constexpr bool isEndline(char c) { return c == '\n' || c == EOF; } const char &getChar_Checked() { if (m_cursor < m_end) return *m_cursor; uint64_t b = fread(m_buf, 1, _BufferSize, m_filePtr); m_cursor = m_buf; if (b < _BufferSize) { m_end = m_buf + b; *m_end = EOF; } return *m_cursor; } const char &getChar_Unchecked() const { return *m_cursor; } void next() { ++m_cursor; } void setState(bool _ok) { m_ok = _ok; } template <typename _Tp, typename std::enable_if<std::is_signed<_Tp>::value &std::is_integral<_Tp>::value>::type * = nullptr> inputHelper<_BufferSize, _BlockSize> &operator>>(_Tp &ret) { while (isBlank(getChar_Checked())) next(); flush(); if (getChar_Unchecked() == '-') { next(); if (isdigit(getChar_Unchecked())) { ret = -(getChar_Unchecked() - '0'); while (next(), isdigit(getChar_Unchecked())) ret = ret * 10 - (getChar_Unchecked() - '0'); } else m_ok = false; } else { if (isdigit(getChar_Unchecked())) { ret = getChar_Unchecked() - '0'; while (next(), isdigit(getChar_Unchecked())) ret = ret * 10 + (getChar_Unchecked() - '0'); } else m_ok = false; } return *this; } template <typename _Tp, typename std::enable_if<std::is_unsigned<_Tp>::value &std::is_integral<_Tp>::value>::type * = nullptr> inputHelper<_BufferSize, _BlockSize> &operator>>(_Tp &ret) { while (isBlank(getChar_Checked())) next(); flush(); if (isdigit(getChar_Unchecked())) { ret = getChar_Unchecked() - '0'; while (next(), isdigit(getChar_Unchecked())) ret = ret * 10 + (getChar_Unchecked() - '0'); } else m_ok = false; return *this; } template <typename _Tp, typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<_Tp>::value>::type * = nullptr> inputHelper<_BufferSize, _BlockSize> &operator>>(_Tp &ret) { bool neg = false, integer = false, decimal = false; while (isBlank(getChar_Checked())) next(); flush(); if (getChar_Unchecked() == '-') { neg = true; next(); } if (!isdigit(getChar_Unchecked()) && getChar_Unchecked() != '.') { m_ok = false; return *this; } if (isdigit(getChar_Unchecked())) { integer = true; ret = getChar_Unchecked() - '0'; while (next(), isdigit(getChar_Unchecked())) ret = ret * 10 + (getChar_Unchecked() - '0'); } if (getChar_Unchecked() == '.') { next(); if (isdigit(getChar_Unchecked())) { if (!integer) ret = 0; decimal = true; _Tp unit = 0.1; ret += unit * (getChar_Unchecked() - '0'); while (next(), isdigit(getChar_Unchecked())) { unit *= 0.1; ret += unit * (getChar_Unchecked() - '0'); } } } if (!integer && !decimal) m_ok = false; else if (neg) ret = -ret; return *this; } inputHelper<_BufferSize, _BlockSize> &operator>>(char &ret) { while (isBlank(getChar_Checked())) next(); ret = getChar_Checked(); if (ret == EOF) m_ok = false; else next(); return *this; } inputHelper<_BufferSize, _BlockSize> &operator>>(std::string &ret) { while (isBlank(getChar_Checked())) next(); if (getChar_Checked() != EOF) { ret.clear(); do { ret += getChar_Checked(); next(); } while (!isBlank(getChar_Checked()) && getChar_Unchecked() != EOF); } else m_ok = false; return *this; } explicit operator bool() { return m_ok; } }; template <uint64_t _BufferSize = 1 << 20> class outputHelper { FILE *m_filePtr = nullptr; char m_buf[_BufferSize], *m_end, *m_cursor; char m_tempBuf[50], *m_tempBufCursor, *m_tempBufDot; uint64_t m_floatReserve, m_floatRatio; public: outputHelper(const char *outputFileName, int prec = 6) : m_end(m_buf + _BufferSize) { if (!*outputFileName) m_filePtr = stdout; else m_filePtr = fopen(outputFileName, "wt"); m_cursor = m_buf; m_tempBufCursor = m_tempBuf; precision(prec); } static outputHelper<_BufferSize> &getInstance() { static outputHelper<_BufferSize> s_obj(""); return s_obj; } ~outputHelper() { flush(); fclose(m_filePtr); } void precision(int prec) { m_floatReserve = prec; m_floatRatio = pow(10, prec); m_tempBufDot = m_tempBuf + prec; } outputHelper<_BufferSize> &flush() { fwrite(m_buf, 1, m_cursor - m_buf, m_filePtr); fflush(m_filePtr); m_cursor = m_buf; return *this; } void putChar(const char &c) { if (m_cursor == m_end) flush(); *m_cursor++ = c; } void putS(const char *c) { while (*c) putChar(*c++); } template <typename _Tp, typename std::enable_if<std::is_signed<_Tp>::value &std::is_integral<_Tp>::value>::type * = nullptr> outputHelper<_BufferSize> &operator<<(const _Tp &ret) { _Tp _ret = _Tp(ret); if (_ret >= 0) { do { *m_tempBufCursor++ = '0' + _ret % 10; _ret /= 10; } while (_ret); do putChar(*--m_tempBufCursor); while (m_tempBufCursor > m_tempBuf); } else { putChar('-'); do { *m_tempBufCursor++ = '0' - _ret % 10; _ret /= 10; } while (_ret); do putChar(*--m_tempBufCursor); while (m_tempBufCursor > m_tempBuf); } return *this; } template <typename _Tp, typename std::enable_if<std::is_unsigned<_Tp>::value &std::is_integral<_Tp>::value>::type * = nullptr> outputHelper<_BufferSize> &operator<<(const _Tp &ret) { _Tp _ret = _Tp(ret); do { *m_tempBufCursor++ = '0' + _ret % 10; _ret /= 10; } while (_ret); do putChar(*--m_tempBufCursor); while (m_tempBufCursor > m_tempBuf); return *this; } template <typename _Tp, typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<_Tp>::value>::type * = nullptr> outputHelper<_BufferSize> &operator<<(const _Tp &ret) { if (ret < 0) { putChar('-'); return *this << -ret; } _Tp _ret = ret * m_floatRatio; uint64_t integer = _ret; if (_ret - integer >= 0.4999999999) integer++; do { *m_tempBufCursor++ = '0' + integer % 10; integer /= 10; } while (integer); if (m_tempBufCursor > m_tempBufDot) { do putChar(*--m_tempBufCursor); while (m_tempBufCursor > m_tempBufDot); putChar('.'); } else { putS("0."); for (int i = m_tempBufDot - m_tempBufCursor; i--;) putChar('0'); } do putChar(*--m_tempBufCursor); while (m_tempBufCursor > m_tempBuf); return *this; } outputHelper<_BufferSize> &operator<<(const char &ret) { putChar(ret); return *this; } outputHelper<_BufferSize> &operator<<(const std::string &ret) { putS(ret.data()); return *this; } }; template <uint64_t _BufferSize, uint64_t _BlockSize> inputHelper<_BufferSize, _BlockSize> &getline(inputHelper<_BufferSize, _BlockSize> &ih, std::string &ret) { ret.clear(); if (ih.getChar_Checked() == EOF) ih.setState(false); else { while (!inputHelper<_BufferSize, _BlockSize>::isEndline(ih.getChar_Checked())) { ret += ih.getChar_Unchecked(); ih.next(); } ih.next(); } return ih; } template <typename D, typename T, typename... S> void printLog(D delim, const T &x, S... rest) { cout << x; if (sizeof...(rest) > 0) { cout << delim; printLog(delim, rest...); } } } using OY::getline; namespace OY { template <typename _ModType, _ModType _P> struct Modular { static constexpr _ModType mod() { return _P; } static constexpr _ModType mod(uint64_t __a) { return __a % _P; } static constexpr _ModType plus(_ModType __a, _ModType __b) { if (__a += __b; __a >= _P) __a -= _P; return __a; } static constexpr _ModType minus(_ModType __a, _ModType __b) { if (__a += _P - __b; __a >= _P) __a -= _P; return __a; } static constexpr _ModType multiply(uint64_t __a, uint64_t __b) { if constexpr (std::is_same<_ModType, uint64_t>::value) return multiply_ld(__a, __b); else return multiply_64(__a, __b); } static constexpr _ModType multiply_64(uint64_t __a, uint64_t __b) { return mod(__a * __b); } static constexpr _ModType multiply_128(uint64_t __a, uint64_t __b) { return __uint128_t(__a) * __b % _P; } static constexpr _ModType multiply_ld(uint64_t __a, uint64_t __b) { if (std::__countl_zero(__a) + std::__countl_zero(__b) >= 64) return multiply_64(__a, __b); int64_t res = __a * __b - uint64_t(1.L / _P * __a * __b) * _P; if (res < 0) res += _P; else if (res >= _P) res -= _P; return res; } static constexpr _ModType pow(uint64_t __a, uint64_t __n) { if constexpr (std::is_same<_ModType, uint64_t>::value) return pow_ld(__a, __n); else return pow_64(__a, __n); } static constexpr _ModType pow_64(uint64_t __a, uint64_t __n) { _ModType res = 1, b = mod(__a); while (__n) { if (__n & 1) res = multiply_64(res, b); b = multiply_64(b, b); __n >>= 1; } return res; } static constexpr _ModType pow_128(uint64_t __a, uint64_t __n) { _ModType res = 1, b = mod(__a); while (__n) { if (__n & 1) res = multiply_128(res, b); b = multiply_128(b, b); __n >>= 1; } return res; } static constexpr _ModType pow_ld(uint64_t __a, uint64_t __n) { _ModType res = 1, b = mod(__a); while (__n) { if (__n & 1) res = multiply_ld(res, b); b = multiply_ld(b, b); __n >>= 1; } return res; } template <typename _Tp> static constexpr _Tp divide(_Tp __a) { return __a / _P; } template <typename _Tp> static constexpr std::pair<_Tp, _Tp> divmod(_Tp __a) { _Tp quo = __a / _P, rem = __a - quo * _P; return {quo, rem}; } }; template <uint32_t _P> using Modular32 = Modular<uint32_t, _P>; template <uint64_t _P> using Modular64 = Modular<uint64_t, _P>; } namespace OY { template <typename _ModType, _ModType _P, bool _IsPrime = false> struct StaticModInt { using mint = StaticModInt<_ModType, _P, _IsPrime>; _ModType m_val; static_assert(_P > 1 && _P < 1ull << 63); constexpr StaticModInt() : m_val(0) {} template <typename _Tp, typename std::enable_if<std::is_signed<_Tp>::value, bool>::type = true> constexpr StaticModInt(_Tp __val) : m_val(0) { int64_t x = int64_t(__val) % int64_t(mod()); if (x < 0) x += mod(); m_val = x; } template <typename _Tp, typename std::enable_if<std::is_unsigned<_Tp>::value, bool>::type = true> constexpr StaticModInt(_Tp __val) : m_val(__val % mod()) {} static constexpr mint raw(_ModType __val) { mint res; res.m_val = __val; return res; } static constexpr _ModType mod() { return _P; } constexpr _ModType val() const { return m_val; } constexpr mint pow(uint64_t __n) const { return Modular<_ModType, _P>::pow(m_val, __n); } constexpr mint inv() const { if constexpr (_IsPrime) return inv_Fermat(); else return inv_exgcd(); } constexpr mint inv_exgcd() const { _ModType x = mod(), y = m_val, m0 = 0, m1 = 1; while (y) { _ModType z = x / y; x -= y * z; m0 -= m1 * z; std::swap(x, y); std::swap(m0, m1); } if (m0 >= mod()) m0 += mod() / x; return raw(m0); } constexpr mint inv_Fermat() const { return pow(mod() - 2); } constexpr mint &operator++() { if (++m_val == mod()) m_val = 0; return *this; } constexpr mint &operator--() { if (m_val == 0) m_val = mod(); m_val--; return *this; } constexpr mint operator++(int) { mint old(*this); ++*this; return old; } constexpr mint operator--(int) { mint old(*this); --*this; return old; } constexpr mint &operator+=(const mint &__other) { m_val = Modular<_ModType, _P>::plus(m_val, __other.m_val); return *this; } constexpr mint &operator-=(const mint &__other) { m_val = Modular<_ModType, _P>::minus(m_val, __other.m_val); return *this; } constexpr mint &operator*=(const mint &__other) { m_val = Modular<_ModType, _P>::multiply(m_val, __other.m_val); return *this; } constexpr mint &operator/=(const mint &__other) { return *this *= __other.inv(); } constexpr mint operator+() const { return *this; } constexpr mint operator-() const { return raw(m_val ? mod() - m_val : 0); } constexpr bool operator==(const mint &__other) const { return m_val == __other.m_val; } constexpr bool operator!=(const mint &__other) const { return m_val != __other.m_val; } constexpr bool operator<(const mint &__other) const { return m_val < __other.m_val; } constexpr bool operator>(const mint &__other) const { return m_val > __other.m_val; } constexpr bool operator<=(const mint &__other) const { return m_val <= __other.m_val; } constexpr bool operator>=(const mint &__other) const { return m_val <= __other.m_val; } template <typename _Tp> constexpr explicit operator _Tp() const { return _Tp(m_val); } constexpr friend mint operator+(const mint &a, const mint &b) { return mint(a) += b; } constexpr friend mint operator-(const mint &a, const mint &b) { return mint(a) -= b; } constexpr friend mint operator*(const mint &a, const mint &b) { return mint(a) *= b; } constexpr friend mint operator/(const mint &a, const mint &b) { return mint(a) /= b; } template <typename _Istream> friend _Istream &operator>>(_Istream &is, mint &self) { return is >> self.m_val; } template <typename _Ostream> friend _Ostream &operator<<(_Ostream &os, const mint &self) { return os << self.m_val; } }; template <uint32_t _P, bool _IsPrime> using StaticModInt32 = StaticModInt<uint32_t, _P, _IsPrime>; template <uint64_t _P, bool _IsPrime> using StaticModInt64 = StaticModInt<uint64_t, _P, _IsPrime>; } using mint = OY::StaticModInt32<1000000007, true>; inline bool my_is_nullptr(void *ptr) { return (long long)ptr <= 0ll; } template <typename _Tp, typename _UIntType> class node { public: size_t size; _Tp value, sum, cover, tag; bool is_reversed, is_covered; _UIntType priority; node *left, *right; inline node(size_t s = 0, const _Tp &v = _Tp(), const _Tp& sm = _Tp(), bool rev = false, const _Tp& tg = _Tp(), bool cvd = false, const _Tp& cv = _Tp(), const _UIntType &pro = _UIntType(), node *l = nullptr, node *r = nullptr) : size(s), value(v), sum(sm), cover(cv), tag(tg), is_reversed(rev), is_covered(cvd), priority(pro), left(l), right(r) {} inline ~node() = default; inline node<_Tp, _UIntType> &operator=(const node<_Tp, _UIntType> &o) { size = o.size; value = o.value; sum = o.sum; is_covered = o.is_covered; cover = o.cover; is_reversed = o.is_reversed; priority = o.priority; left = o.left; right = o.right; return *this; } inline node(const node<_Tp, _UIntType>&) = default; inline void pushdown() { if (is_reversed) { is_reversed = false; if (is_covered) goto cover_pushdown; std::swap(left, right); if (!my_is_nullptr(left)) { left = new node<_Tp, _UIntType>(*left); left->is_reversed ^= 1; } if (!my_is_nullptr(right)) { right = new node<_Tp, _UIntType>(*right); right->is_reversed ^= 1; } } if (tag != _Tp()) { if (is_covered) { cover += tag; tag = _Tp(); goto cover_pushdown; } if (!my_is_nullptr(left)) { left = new node<_Tp, _UIntType>(*left); left->tag += tag, left->value += tag, left->sum += tag * left->size; } if (!my_is_nullptr(right)) { right = new node<_Tp, _UIntType>(*right); right->tag += tag, right->value += tag, right->sum += tag * right->size; } tag = _Tp(); } if (is_covered) { cover_pushdown: if (!my_is_nullptr(left)) { left = new node<_Tp, _UIntType>(*left); left->is_covered = true; left->cover = left->value = cover; left->sum = cover * left->size; } if (!my_is_nullptr(right)) { right = new node<_Tp, _UIntType>(*right); right->is_covered = true; right->cover = right->value = cover; right->sum = cover * right->size; } is_covered = false; cover = _Tp(); } } inline void update() { size = 1; sum = value; if (!my_is_nullptr(left)) size += left->size, sum = left->sum + sum; if (!my_is_nullptr(right)) size += right->size, sum = sum + right->sum; } template <typename _Ostream> friend inline _Ostream& operator<<(_Ostream& os, node<_Tp, _UIntType>* nd) { if (!nd) return os; nd->pushdown(); os << nd->left; os << nd->value << ' '; os << nd->right; return os; } static inline void pd(node<_Tp, _UIntType>* nd) { if (!nd || !nd->tag) return; nd->pushdown(); pd(nd->left); pd(nd->right); return; } }; template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, uint32_t _MAXN> class persistent_segment_nrotate_treap { typedef typename _Rand::result_type _UIntType; typedef node<_Tp, _UIntType> node_type; node_type *_M_root[_MAXN]; std::greater<_UIntType> priority_comp; _Rand rd; static inline node_type *q[3000005]; static inline size_t ppos; struct __DFS__ { inline constexpr void dfs(node<_Tp, _UIntType>* cur) const { if (my_is_nullptr(cur)) return; cur->pushdown(); if (cur->left) dfs(q[ppos++] = cur->left); if (cur->right) dfs(q[ppos++] = cur->right); } inline constexpr __DFS__() {} }; static constexpr __DFS__ dfs_helper{}; static inline void erase_nullptr(node_type *cur) { dfs_helper.dfs(cur); while (ppos) delete q[--ppos]; } static void split_by_rank(node_type *cur, size_t rk, node_type *&l, node_type *&r); template <typename _Priority_comp> static node_type *merge(node_type *l, node_type *r, _Priority_comp comp); template <typename _Priority_comp> static node_type* build(_Priority_comp comp, size_t l, size_t r, const _Tp* arr, _Rand& rd) { if (l == r) return new node_type(1, arr[l], arr[l], false, _Tp(), false, _Tp(), rd(), nullptr, nullptr); size_t mid = (l + r) >> 1; return merge(build(comp, l, mid, arr, rd), build(comp, mid + 1, r, arr, rd), comp); } public: inline persistent_segment_nrotate_treap() = default; inline ~persistent_segment_nrotate_treap() = default; inline void insert(size_t version, size_t pos, const _Tp &v); inline void insert(size_t version, size_t pos, node_type * const ptr); inline void set(size_t version, size_t pos, const _Tp &v); inline void set(size_t version, size_t l, size_t r, const _Tp& v); inline void erase(size_t version, size_t pos); inline void erase(size_t version, size_t l, size_t r); inline void add(size_t version, size_t l, size_t r, const _Tp& v); inline void copy(size_t version1, size_t version2, size_t l, size_t r, size_t l_, size_t r_); inline _Tp kth(size_t version, size_t index); inline node_type* build(size_t l, size_t r, const _Tp* arr) { return build(priority_comp, l, r, arr, rd); } inline void build_root(size_t version, size_t l, size_t r, const _Tp* arr) { _M_root[version] = build(priority_comp, l, r, arr, rd); } inline int size(size_t version) { if (my_is_nullptr(_M_root[version])) return 0; _M_root[version]->update(); return _M_root[version]->size; } inline _Tp query(size_t version, size_t l, size_t r); inline void reverse(size_t version, size_t l, size_t r); inline void reverse(size_t version1, size_t version2, size_t l, size_t r); inline void exchange(size_t version1, size_t version2, size_t l, size_t r, size_t l_, size_t r_); inline void copy_from(size_t from, size_t to) { _M_root[to] = _M_root[from]; } template <typename _Ostream> inline void out(_Ostream& os, size_t version) const { os << _M_root[version]; } inline void pushdown(size_t version) const { node_type::pd(_M_root[version]); } inline node_type* root(size_t version) { _M_root[version]->pushdown(); _M_root[version]->update(); return _M_root[version]; } }; template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, uint32_t _MAXN> template <typename _Priority_comp> node<_Tp, typename _Rand::result_type> *persistent_segment_nrotate_treap<_Tp, _Rand, _MAXN>:: merge(node_type *l, node_type *r, _Priority_comp comp) { if (my_is_nullptr(l)) return r; if (my_is_nullptr(r)) return l; if (comp(l->priority, r->priority)) { node_type* rt = l; rt->pushdown(); rt->right = merge(rt->right, r, comp); rt->update(); return rt; } node_type* rt = r; rt->pushdown(); rt->left = merge(l, rt->left, comp); rt->update(); return rt; } template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, uint32_t _MAXN> void persistent_segment_nrotate_treap<_Tp, _Rand, _MAXN>:: split_by_rank(node_type* cur, size_t rk, node_type *&l, node_type *&r) { if (my_is_nullptr(cur)) { l = r = nullptr; return; } cur->pushdown(); size_t ls_siz = my_is_nullptr(cur->left) ? 0 : cur->left->size; if (rk <= ls_siz) { r = new node_type; *r = *cur; r->pushdown(); split_by_rank(r->left, rk, l, r->left); r->update(); return; } l = new node_type; *l = *cur; l->pushdown(); split_by_rank(l->right, rk - ls_siz - 1, l->right, r); l->update(); return; } template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, uint32_t _MAXN> inline void persistent_segment_nrotate_treap<_Tp, _Rand, _MAXN>:: insert(size_t version, size_t pos, const _Tp &v) { if (my_is_nullptr(_M_root[version])) { _M_root[version] = new node_type(1, v, v, false, _Tp(), false, _Tp(), rd(), nullptr, nullptr); return; } node_type *l = nullptr, *r = nullptr; split_by_rank(_M_root[version], pos, l, r); node_type *tmp = new node_type(1, v, v, false, _Tp(), false, _Tp(), rd(), nullptr, nullptr); _M_root[version] = merge(merge(l, tmp, priority_comp), r, priority_comp); if (!my_is_nullptr(_M_root[version])) _M_root[version]->update(); } template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, uint32_t _MAXN> inline void persistent_segment_nrotate_treap<_Tp, _Rand, _MAXN>:: insert(size_t version, size_t pos, node_type* const ptr) { if (my_is_nullptr(_M_root[version])) { _M_root[version] = ptr; return; } node_type *l = nullptr, *r = nullptr; split_by_rank(_M_root[version], pos, l, r); _M_root[version] = merge(merge(l, ptr, priority_comp), r, priority_comp); if (!my_is_nullptr(_M_root[version])) _M_root[version]->update(); } template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, uint32_t _MAXN> inline void persistent_segment_nrotate_treap<_Tp, _Rand, _MAXN>:: set(size_t version, size_t pos, const _Tp &v) { node_type *l = nullptr, *tmp = nullptr, *r = nullptr; split_by_rank(_M_root[version], pos, l, r); split_by_rank(l, pos - 1, l, tmp); if (!my_is_nullptr(tmp)) tmp->value = tmp->sum = v; _M_root[version] = merge(merge(l, tmp, priority_comp), r, priority_comp); if (!my_is_nullptr(_M_root[version])) _M_root[version]->update(); return; } template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, uint32_t _MAXN> inline void persistent_segment_nrotate_treap<_Tp, _Rand, _MAXN>:: set(size_t version, size_t il, size_t ir, const _Tp &v) { node_type *l = nullptr, *tmp = nullptr, *r = nullptr; split_by_rank(_M_root[version], ir, l, r); split_by_rank(l, il - 1, l, tmp); if (!my_is_nullptr(tmp)) { tmp->is_covered = true; tmp->cover = tmp->value = v; tmp->sum = v * tmp->size; } _M_root[version] = merge(merge(l, tmp, priority_comp), r, priority_comp); if (!my_is_nullptr(_M_root[version])) _M_root[version]->update(); return; } template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, uint32_t _MAXN> inline void persistent_segment_nrotate_treap<_Tp, _Rand, _MAXN>:: add(size_t version, size_t il, size_t ir, const _Tp &v) { node_type *l = nullptr, *tmp = nullptr, *r = nullptr; split_by_rank(_M_root[version], ir, l, r); split_by_rank(l, il - 1, l, tmp); if (!my_is_nullptr(tmp)) { tmp->pushdown(); if (tmp->is_covered) tmp->cover += v; else { tmp->tag += v; tmp->sum += v * tmp->size; tmp->value += v; } } _M_root[version] = merge(merge(l, tmp, priority_comp), r, priority_comp); if (!my_is_nullptr(_M_root[version])) _M_root[version]->update(); return; } template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, uint32_t _MAXN> inline void persistent_segment_nrotate_treap<_Tp, _Rand, _MAXN>:: copy(size_t version1, size_t version2, size_t il, size_t ir, size_t il_, size_t ir_) { bool flg = false; if (il > il_) { std::swap(il, il_); std::swap(ir, ir_); flg = true; } node_type *l = nullptr, *lmid = nullptr, *mid = nullptr, *rmid = nullptr, *r = nullptr; split_by_rank(_M_root[version1], ir_, rmid, r); split_by_rank(rmid, il_ - 1, mid, rmid); split_by_rank(mid, ir, lmid, mid); split_by_rank(lmid, il - 1, l, lmid); if (flg) _M_root[version2] = merge(merge(l, rmid, priority_comp), merge(merge(mid, rmid, priority_comp), r, priority_comp), priority_comp); else _M_root[version2] = merge(merge(l, lmid, priority_comp), merge(merge(mid, lmid, priority_comp), r, priority_comp), priority_comp); if (!my_is_nullptr(_M_root[version2])) _M_root[version2]->update(); return; } template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, uint32_t _MAXN> inline void persistent_segment_nrotate_treap<_Tp, _Rand, _MAXN>:: exchange(size_t version1, size_t version2, size_t il, size_t ir, size_t il_, size_t ir_) { if (il > il_) { std::swap(il, il_); std::swap(ir, ir_); } node_type *l = nullptr, *lmid = nullptr, *mid = nullptr, *rmid = nullptr, *r = nullptr; split_by_rank(_M_root[version1], ir_, rmid, r); split_by_rank(rmid, il_ - 1, mid, rmid); split_by_rank(mid, ir, lmid, mid); split_by_rank(lmid, il - 1, l, lmid); _M_root[version2] = merge(merge(l, rmid, priority_comp), merge(merge(mid, lmid, priority_comp), r, priority_comp), priority_comp); if (!my_is_nullptr(_M_root[version2])) _M_root[version2]->update(); return; } template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, uint32_t _MAXN> inline void persistent_segment_nrotate_treap<_Tp, _Rand, _MAXN>:: erase(size_t version, size_t pos) { node_type *l = nullptr, *tmp = nullptr, *r = nullptr; split_by_rank(_M_root[version], pos, l, r); split_by_rank(l, pos - 1, l, tmp); if (!my_is_nullptr(tmp)) erase_nullptr(tmp); _M_root[version] = merge(l, r, priority_comp); if (!my_is_nullptr(_M_root[version])) _M_root[version]->update(); return; } template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, uint32_t _MAXN> inline void persistent_segment_nrotate_treap<_Tp, _Rand, _MAXN>:: erase(size_t version, size_t il, size_t ir) { node_type *l = nullptr, *tmp = nullptr, *r = nullptr; split_by_rank(_M_root[version], ir, l, r); split_by_rank(l, il - 1, l, tmp); if (!my_is_nullptr(tmp)) erase_nullptr(tmp); _M_root[version] = merge(l, r, priority_comp); if (!my_is_nullptr(_M_root[version])) _M_root[version]->update(); return; } template <typename _Tp, typename _UIntType> _Tp kth(node<_Tp, _UIntType>* cur, int index) { if (my_is_nullptr(cur)) return _Tp(); int left_siz = (my_is_nullptr(cur->left) ? 0 : cur->left->size); if (index <= left_siz) return kth(cur->left, index); if (index <= left_siz + 1) return cur->value; return kth(cur->right, index - left_siz - 1); } template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, uint32_t _MAXN> inline _Tp persistent_segment_nrotate_treap<_Tp, _Rand, _MAXN>:: kth(size_t version, size_t index) { return ::kth(_M_root[version], index); } template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, uint32_t _MAXN> inline _Tp persistent_segment_nrotate_treap<_Tp, _Rand, _MAXN>:: query(size_t version, size_t il, size_t ir) { node_type *l = nullptr, *tmp = nullptr, *r = nullptr; split_by_rank(_M_root[version], ir, l, r); split_by_rank(l, il - 1, l, tmp); _Tp ans{}; if (!my_is_nullptr(tmp)) ans = tmp->sum; _M_root[version] = merge(merge(l, tmp, priority_comp), r, priority_comp); return ans; } template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, uint32_t _MAXN> inline void persistent_segment_nrotate_treap<_Tp, _Rand, _MAXN>:: reverse(size_t version, size_t il, size_t ir) { node_type *l = nullptr, *tmp = nullptr, *r = nullptr; split_by_rank(_M_root[version], ir, l, r); split_by_rank(l, il - 1, l, tmp); if (!my_is_nullptr(tmp)) tmp->is_reversed ^= 1; _M_root[version] = merge(merge(l, tmp, priority_comp), r, priority_comp); } template <typename _Tp, typename _Rand, uint32_t _MAXN> inline void persistent_segment_nrotate_treap<_Tp, _Rand, _MAXN>:: reverse(size_t version1, size_t version2, size_t il, size_t ir) { node_type *l = nullptr, *tmp = nullptr, *r = nullptr; split_by_rank(_M_root[version1], ir, l, r); split_by_rank(l, il - 1, l, tmp); if (!my_is_nullptr(tmp)) tmp->is_reversed ^= 1; _M_root[version2] = merge(merge(l, tmp, priority_comp), r, priority_comp); } struct my_rand { typedef unsigned int result_type; unsigned int _M_seed; inline unsigned int u32_hasher(unsigned int x) { float tmp = x; return *(unsigned int*)&tmp; } inline unsigned int operator()() { return _M_seed += u32_hasher(_M_seed); } inline my_rand(unsigned int sd = 5489u) : _M_seed(sd) {} }; persistent_segment_nrotate_treap<mint, my_rand, 1048576> tree; mint arr[20000005]; int main() { int n, q; cin >> n >> q; uint32_t lastans = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) cin >> arr[i]; tree.build_root(0, 1, n, arr); int op, l, r, l_, r_; mint value; for (int i = 1; i <= q; i++) { cin >> op >> l >> r; switch (op) { case 1: { tree.copy_from(i - 1, i); lastans = tree.query(i, l, r).val(); cout << lastans << '\n'; break; } case 2: { tree.copy_from(i - 1, i); cin >> value; tree.set(i, l, r, value); break; } case 3: { tree.copy_from(i - 1, i); cin >> value; tree.add(i, l, r, value); break; } case 4: { cin >> l_ >> r_; tree.copy(i - 1, i, l, r, l_, r_); break; } case 5: { cin >> l_ >> r_; tree.exchange(i - 1, i, l, r, l_, r_); break; } case 6: { tree.reverse(i - 1, i, l, r); break; } } tree.pushdown(i); } tree.out(cout, q); } ```
by Ruiqun2009 @ 2023-03-31 23:31:39
