
P4211 [LNOI2014] LCA

附上代码 ```cpp #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #define N 500005 const int mod = 201314; using std::cin; using std::cout; using std::sort; using std::swap; const char endl = '\n'; struct edge { edge* nex; int to; } graph[N], *fir[N]; edge* tot = graph; void add(int a, int b) { tot->to = b; tot->nex = fir[a]; fir[a] = tot++; } int wson[N], siz[N], fa[N], dep[N]; void get_wson(int nod) { siz[nod] = 1; for (edge* e = fir[nod]; e; e = e->nex) { int to = e->to; dep[to] = dep[nod] + 1; get_wson(to); siz[nod] += siz[to]; if (siz[wson[nod]] < siz[to]) wson[nod] = to; } } int dfn[N], tim, adfn[N], top[N]; void get_dfn(int nod, int hd) { dfn[nod] = ++tim; adfn[tim] = nod; top[nod] = hd; if (wson[nod]) get_dfn(wson[nod], hd); for (edge* e = fir[nod]; e; e = e->nex) { int to = e->to; if (to == wson[nod]) continue; get_dfn(to, to); } } struct Node { Node *lc, *rc; int l, r, mid; int sum, laz; void init(int L, int R) { l = L, r = R; mid = (l + r) >> 1; } void push_up() { sum = (lc->sum + rc->sum) % mod; } } tree[N << 2]; Node *null, *tail = tree, *root; void push_down(Node* nod) { if (nod->laz == 0) return; nod->lc->sum += (nod->lc->r - nod->lc->l + 1) * nod->laz; nod->rc->sum += (nod->rc->r - nod->rc->l + 1) * nod->laz; nod->rc->laz += nod->laz; // 别写成 = 号了,这里懒标记是叠加 nod->lc->laz += nod->laz; nod->laz = 0; } void build(Node* nod, int l, int r) { nod->init(l, r); if (l == r) { nod->lc = nod->rc = null; } else { nod->lc = ++tail; nod->rc = ++tail; build(nod->lc, nod->l, nod->mid); build(nod->rc, nod->mid + 1, nod->r); nod->push_up(); } } void modify(Node* nod, int l, int r, int val) { if (nod->l == l && nod->r == r) { nod->sum += val * (r - l + 1) % mod; nod->sum %= mod; nod->laz += val; nod->laz %= mod; } else { push_down(nod); if (l >= nod->rc->l) modify(nod->rc, l, r, val); else if (r <= nod->lc->r) modify(nod->lc, l, r, val); else modify(nod->lc, l, nod->lc->r, val), modify(nod->rc, nod->rc->l, r, val); nod->push_up(); } } int query(Node* nod, int l, int r) { push_down(nod); if (nod->l == l && nod->r == r) { return nod->sum % mod; } else { if (l >= nod->rc->l) return query(nod->rc, l, r); else if (r <= nod->lc->r) return query(nod->lc, l, r); else return (query(nod->lc, l, nod->lc->r) + query(nod->rc, nod->rc->l, r)) % mod; } } void mod_line(int x, int y, int val) { while (top[x] != top[y]) { if (dep[top[x]] < dep[top[y]]) swap(x, y); modify(root, dfn[top[x]], dfn[x], val); x = fa[top[x]]; } if (dfn[x] < dfn[y]) swap(x, y); modify(root, dfn[y], dfn[x], val); } int qry_line(int x, int y) { int res = 0; while (top[x] != top[y]) { if (dep[top[x]] < dep[top[y]]) swap(x, y); res += query(root, dfn[top[x]], dfn[x]); res %= mod; x = fa[top[x]]; } if (dfn[x] < dfn[y]) swap(x, y); res += query(root, dfn[y], dfn[x]); res %= mod; return res; } int n, m; int t1, t2, t3; int ans[N]; struct que { int id; int l, r, z; bool is_l; }; std::vector<que> q; int mr = 0; int main() { std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(nullptr); cout.tie(nullptr); cin >> n >> m; q.reserve((m + 1) << 1); for (int i = 2; i <= n; ++i) { cin >> fa[i]; ++fa[i]; add(fa[i], i); } null = tail; root = ++tail; null->lc = null->rc = null; get_wson(1); get_dfn(1, 1); build(root, 1, n); for (int i = 1; i <= m; ++i) { cin >> t1 >> t2 >> t3; ++t1, ++t2, ++t3; q.emplace_back((que){ i, 1, t1 - 1, t3, true }); q.emplace_back((que){ i, 1, t2, t3, false }); } sort(q.begin(), q.end(), [](que& a, que& b) { return a.r < b.r; }); for (auto& a : q) { while (mr < a.r) { ++mr; mod_line(1, mr, 1); } int tmp = qry_line(1, a.z); if (a.is_l) ans[a.id] -= tmp; else ans[a.id] += tmp; } for (int i = 1; i <= m; ++i) cout << ans[i] % mod << endl; return 0; } ```
by Tibrella @ 2023-05-09 16:46:41

by withyan @ 2023-06-12 09:46:18

下面改成这个就能AC ```cpp if (a.is_l) ans[a.id] -= tmp; else ans[a.id] += tmp; ans[a.id]+=mod; ans[a.id]%=mod; ```
by withyan @ 2023-06-12 09:48:36

@[withyan](/user/964973) 感谢大佬
by Liuboom @ 2024-05-15 18:15:51
