

by 大fanchuan @ 2016-11-25 20:15:11

by O__O @ 2016-11-25 20:16:42

by 大fanchuan @ 2016-11-25 20:29:51

```cpp var a,b,c:array[1..255] of integer; n1,n2:string; i,m:integer; begin readln(n1); readln(n2); m:=length(n1); for i:=1 to m do a[i]:=ord(ord(n1[m-i+1])-ord('0')); m:=length(n2); for i:=1 to m do b[i]:=ord(ord(n2[m-i+1])-ord('0')); if length(n1)>length(n2) then m:=length(n1) else m:=length(n2); for i:=1 to m do begin c[i]:=c[i]+a[i]+b[i]; if c[i]>=10 then begin c[i+1]:=c[i+1]+1; c[i]:=c[i]-10; end end; if c[m+1]=1 then inc(m); for i:=m downto 1 do write(c[i]); end. ```
by O__O @ 2016-11-25 20:40:04

沙发送给这位大神 o\_ o 沙发 沙发 沙发
by 大fanchuan @ 2016-11-25 20:45:22

```cpp var a,b,c:array[1..500] of longint; n,m:string; i,ln,lm,l:longint; begin readln(n); ln:=length(n); for i:=1 to ln do a[ln-i+1]:=ord(n[i])-48; readln(m); lm:=length(m); for i:=1 to lm do b[lm-i+1]:=ord(m[i])-48; if ln>lm then l:=ln else l:=lm; for i:=1 to l+1 do c[i]:=0; for i:=1 to l do begin c[i]:=c[i]+a[i]+b[i]; if c[i]>=10 then begin c[i+1]:=c[i+1]+c[i] div 10; c[i]:=c[i] mod 10; end; end; if c[l+1]<>0 then l:=l+1; for i:=l downto 1 do write(c[i]); end. ```
by captainbear @ 2016-11-25 20:45:24
