MnZn 刚学 kdt 求调板子

P4148 简单题

by Nt_Tsumiki @ 2024-02-20 22:16:27

by Blue_Poison @ 2024-02-20 22:22:35

by yanyanghu @ 2024-02-20 22:44:51

目前调出来一个错,是判断当前矩形是否与询问矩形有交的 check 锅了 最新版 code: ```cpp #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int n,block; struct KD_tree { #define N 200001 struct Point; struct Tree; const double A=0.75; int tcnt,flatcnt,rt,rubcnt,rub[N]; struct Point { int c[2],val; int operator[](int x) { return c[x]; } void operator=(Tree tr) { c[0]=tr[0],c[1]=tr[1],val=tr.val; } }p[N]; struct Tree { int l,r,val,sum,c[2],maxn[2],minn[2],siz; int operator[](int x) { return c[x]; } void operator=(Point poi) { val=poi.val,c[0]=poi[0],c[1]=poi[1],l=r=sum=maxn[0]=maxn[1]=minn[0]=minn[1]=siz=0; } }t[N]; void upd(int x) { t[x].sum=(t[x].l?t[t[x].l].sum:0)+(t[x].r?t[t[x].r].sum:0)+t[x].val; t[x].siz=(t[x].l?t[t[x].l].siz:0)+(t[x].r?t[t[x].r].siz:0)+1; t[x].maxn[0]=t[x].minn[0]=t[x][0],t[x].maxn[1]=t[x].minn[1]=t[x][1]; for (int i:{0,1}) { if (t[x].l) t[x].maxn[i]=max(t[x].maxn[i],t[t[x].l].maxn[i]), t[x].minn[i]=min(t[x].minn[i],t[t[x].l].minn[i]); if (t[x].r) t[x].maxn[i]=max(t[x].maxn[i],t[t[x].r].maxn[i]), t[x].minn[i]=min(t[x].minn[i],t[t[x].r].minn[i]); } } void build(int &x,int l,int r,int d) { int mid=(l+r)>>1; x=rub[rubcnt--]; nth_element(p+l,p+mid,p+r+1,[d](Point p1,Point p2){ return p1[d]<p2[d]; }); t[x]=p[mid]; if (l<mid) build(t[x].l,l,mid-1,d^1); if (r>mid) build(t[x].r,mid+1,r,d^1); upd(x); } bool check_poi_cap_squ(int x,Point poi) { if (poi[0]>=t[x].minn[0] and poi[1]>=t[x].minn[1]) return 1; return 0; } bool check_squ_in_poi(int x,Point poi) { if (poi[0]>=t[x].maxn[0] and poi[1]>=t[x].maxn[1]) return 1; return 0; } int ask(int x,Point poi) { if (!x) return 0; if (check_squ_in_poi(x,poi)) return t[x].sum; int res=0; if (check_poi_cap_squ(t[x].l,poi)) res+=ask(t[x].l,poi); if (check_poi_cap_squ(t[x].r,poi)) res+=ask(t[x].r,poi); return res; } void flat(int x) { p[++flatcnt]=t[x],rub[++rubcnt]=x; if (t[x].l) flat(t[x].l); if (t[x].r) flat(t[x].r); } void ins(int &x,Point poi,int d) { if (!x) { t[x=rub[rubcnt--]]=poi; upd(x); return; } if (poi[d]<=t[x][d]) ins(t[x].l,poi,d^1); else ins(t[x].r,poi,d^1); upd(x); if (A*t[x].siz<(double)t[t[x].l].siz or A*t[x].siz<(double)t[t[x].r].siz) { flatcnt=0; flat(t[x].siz); build(x,1,flatcnt,0); } } void ins(int x,int y,int k) { ins(rt,Point{{x,y},k},0); } int ask(int x,int y) { return ask(rt,Point{{x,y},0}); } void init() { for (int i=1;i<N;i++) rub[++rubcnt]=i; } #undef N }t; int main() { scanf("%d",&n); block=sqrt(n); t.init(); int op,x1,y1,x2,y2,k,las=0; while (1) { scanf("%d",&op); if (op==1) { scanf("%d%d%d",&x1,&y1,&k); x1^=las,y1^=las,k^=las; t.ins(x1,y1,k); } else if (op==2) { scanf("%d%d%d%d",&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2); x1^=las,y1^=las,x2^=las,y2^=las; printf("%d\n",las=t.ask(x2,y2)-t.ask(x1-1,y2)-t.ask(x2,y1-1)+t.ask(x1-1,y1-1)); } else break; } return 0; } ```
by Nt_Tsumiki @ 2024-02-21 06:20:37

@[Nt_Tsumiki](/user/420129) 1. ask 中要考虑自己的贡献 ```cpp int ask(int x, Point poi) { if (!x) return 0; if (check_squ_in_poi(x, poi)) return t[x].sum; int res = 0; if (t[x].c[0] <= poi.c[0] && t[x].c[1] <= poi.c[1]) res += t[x].val; //加上这句 if (check_poi_cap_squ(t[x].l, poi)) res += ask(t[x].l, poi); if (check_poi_cap_squ(t[x].r, poi)) res += ask(t[x].r, poi); return res; } ``` 2. 唐氏错误,88 行 `flat(t[x].siz);` 应为 `flat(x);`
by 5k_sync_closer @ 2024-02-21 08:55:25

@[5k_sync_closer](/user/388651) 这下糖完了
by Nt_Tsumiki @ 2024-02-21 08:56:32
