【悬赏关注】Splay 37 pts 求调

P3369 【模板】普通平衡树

个人感觉是rot挂了? 可能是我经常挂rot, 感觉马蜂挺像, 挂个代码qwq ``` // rotate father first // double rotate check fa // ins add fa -> new // del return null tree // nxt give p -> p // kth ls jump continue #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int N = 1000000 + 10; int tot, root; struct Splay{ int ch[2], fa, val, cnt, sz; }t[N]; int ls(int p){return t[p].ch[0];} int rs(int p){return t[p].ch[1];} int fa(int p){return t[p].fa;} void pushup(int p){t[p].sz = t[ls(p)].sz + t[rs(p)].sz + t[p].cnt;} bool me(int p){return p == rs(fa(p));} void clear(int p){ t[p].ch[1] = t[p].ch[0] = t[p].sz = t[p].fa = t[p].val = t[p].cnt = 0; } void prtree(int p){ if(p == 0) return; cout << t[p].val << ' ' << t[ls(p)].val << ' ' << t[rs(p)].val << '\n'; prtree(ls(p)); prtree(rs(p)); // cout << '\n'; } void rotate(int p){ int f = fa(p), ff = fa(fa(p)), b = me(p); t[f].ch[b] = t[p].ch[!b]; if(t[p].ch[!b]) t[t[p].ch[!b]].fa = f; t[p].fa = ff; if(ff) t[ff].ch[me(f)] = p; t[p].ch[!b] = f; t[f].fa = p; pushup(f); pushup(p); } // splay p to root void splay(int p){ for(int f = fa(p) ; f = fa(p), f ; rotate(p)) if(fa(f)) rotate(me(p) == me(f) ? f : p); root = p; } // ins void ins(int v){ // prtree(root); if(!root){ t[++ tot].val = v; t[tot].cnt = 1; root = tot; pushup(tot); return; } int p = root, f = 0; while(1){ if(t[p].val == v){ t[p].cnt ++; pushup(p); pushup(f); splay(p); break; } f = p; p = t[p].ch[t[p].val < v]; if(!p){ t[++ tot].val = v; t[tot].cnt = 1; t[tot].fa = f; t[f].ch[t[f].val < v] = tot; pushup(tot); pushup(f); splay(tot); break; } } } int rnk(int v){ int p = root, ans = 0; while(1){ if(v < t[p].val){ p = ls(p); } else{ ans += t[ls(p)].sz; if(t[p].val == v){ splay(p); return ans + 1; } ans += t[p].cnt; p = rs(p); } if(p == 0) return ans + 1; } } int kth(int k){ // prtree(root); int p = root; while(1){ if(ls(p) && k <= t[ls(p)].sz){ p = ls(p); continue; } k -= t[ls(p)].sz + t[p].cnt; if(k <= 0){ splay(p); return t[p].val; } p = rs(p); } } // pre of root int pre(){ // prtree(root); int p = ls(root); if(!p) return 0; while(rs(p)) p = rs(p); splay(p); return p; } // nxt of root int nxt(){ // prtree(root); int p = rs(root); if(!p) return 0; while(ls(p)) p = ls(p); splay(p); return p; } void del(int k){ // prtree(root); rnk(k); if(t[root].cnt > 1){ t[root].cnt --; pushup(root); return; } if(!ls(root) && !rs(root)){ clear(root); root = 0; return; } if(!ls(root)){ int p = root; root = rs(p); clear(p); t[root].fa = 0; return; } if(!rs(root)){ int p = root; root = ls(p); clear(p); t[root].fa = 0; return; } int p = root, x = pre(); t[rs(p)].fa = x; t[x].ch[1] = rs(p); clear(p); pushup(p); } signed main(){ int n; cin >> n; for(int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++){ int opt, v; // cout << '\n'; cin >> opt >> v; if(opt == 1) ins(v); if(opt == 2) del(v); if(opt == 3) cout << rnk(v) << '\n'; if(opt == 4) cout << kth(v) << '\n'; if(opt == 5){ins(v), cout << t[pre()].val << '\n', del(v);} if(opt == 6){ins(v), cout << t[nxt()].val << '\n', del(v);} } } ```
by Pikacu @ 2024-04-02 13:45:26

by Pikacu @ 2024-04-02 13:45:50

@[Pikacu](/user/681313) 好像就是交换了一下顺序,改了还是37
by 5t0_0r2 @ 2024-04-02 13:53:22
