
P1071 [NOIP2009 提高组] 潜伏者

```pascal var f:array ['A'..'Z'] of char; ff:array ['A'..'Z'] of boolean; a,b,c:string; i,n:longint; ti:char; procedure error; begin writeln('Failed'); halt; end; begin fillchar(ff,sizeof(ff),0); readln(a); readln(b); readln(c); n:=ord(a[0]); for ti:='A' to 'Z' do f[ti]:='0'; for i:=1 to n do if ((f[a[i]]<>'0') and (f[a[i]]<>b[i])) or ((ff[b[i]]) and (f[a[i]]<>b[i])) then error else begin f[a[i]]:=b[i]; ff[b[i]]:=true; end; for ti:='A' to 'Z' do if f[ti]='0' then error; for i:=1 to ord(c[0]) do write(f[c[i]]); end. ```
by huangzhewer @ 2018-11-16 20:49:00

by huangzhewer @ 2018-11-16 20:49:22

@[huangzhewer](/space/show?uid=12581) $Emm$,C++ ```cpp #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(){ map<char,char> mp; string st1,st2; cin>>st1>>st2; for(unsigned int i = 0;i < st1.length();i++){ char x = st1[i],y = st2[i]; if(mp[x] != '\0'&&mp[x] != y){ cout<<"Failed"<<endl; return 0; } mp[x] = y; } if(mp.size() < 26){ cout<<"Failed"<<endl; return 0; } cin>>st1; for(unsigned int i = 0;i < st1.length();i++){ cout<<mp[st1[i]]; } cout<<endl; return 0; } ```
by 加载错误 @ 2018-11-16 21:31:06

by huangzhewer @ 2018-11-16 21:32:36

```cpp #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; char a[10000],b[10000],c[10000]; map <char,char> ma; map <char,char> yu; int main() { scanf("%s %s",a,b); scanf("%s",c); int len=strlen(a); for (int i=0; i<len; i++) { if (!ma[b[i]]) { ma[b[i]]=a[i]; if (!yu[a[i]]) yu[a[i]]=b[i]; else { cout<<"Failed"; return 0; } } else { if (ma[b[i]]!=a[i]) { cout<<"Failed"; return 0; } } } for (char i='A';i<='Z';i++) { if (!ma[i]) { cout<<"Failed"; return 0; } } for (int i=0;i<strlen(c);i++) { printf("%c",yu[c[i]]); } return 0; } ```
by huangzhewer @ 2018-11-16 21:39:48

# @[huangzhewer](/space/show?uid=12581) Thanks,dalao.
by 加载错误 @ 2018-11-16 21:46:47

# @[huangzhewer](/space/show?uid=12581) 我只是觉得这个输入应该输出$HIJACK$
by 加载错误 @ 2018-11-16 21:53:33

by huangzhewer @ 2018-11-17 09:26:05

@[加载错误](/space/show?uid=35971) 这个数据中 “N” 被用了两次
by 曾宇康 @ 2019-01-11 11:47:18

by 未远— @ 2019-01-26 19:24:24
