Today I will have an English term end(期末) test.


就你发的这几句话我就能看出,你不用复习了,肯定满分 ![](
by wuzhaoxin @ 2019-01-17 10:35:51

另:我们班有个人中学要去新西兰上 ~~祝他一路顺风半路失踪~~
by Sya_Resory @ 2019-01-17 10:36:33

@[Conch_Man](/space/show?uid=123268) 前否后肯了解一下,应改为: > 87 is not a very high score,is it?
by ForkΨKillet @ 2019-01-17 10:37:11

英语……醉人…… 先不吐槽 `term end test` 了,`do some problem` 这是个啥……还有 `last week test`,你加个 `'s` 会死吗……
by vocaloid @ 2019-01-17 10:40:27

@[Conch_Man](/space/show?uid=123268) 反义疑问句前后要相反啊……前否后肯……
by vocaloid @ 2019-01-17 10:41:42

@[wuzhaoxin](/space/show?uid=70310) 没错![]( )
by RiverFun @ 2019-01-17 10:46:21

@[Dream_Chaser](/space/show?uid=114082) 我们小学就有人中学去新西兰移民了的。。
by Sai0511 @ 2019-01-17 10:50:17

@[Conch_Man](/space/show?uid=123268) No, it isn't. In middle school, many people often fail the test unless you work very hard.
by lgmulti @ 2019-01-17 10:50:19

@[小鳄鱼爱](/space/show?uid=54769) 还好吧,反正我在xnwy从来没有不合格过。。
by Sai0511 @ 2019-01-17 10:51:31

@[Sai_0511](/space/show?uid=114320) 但我现在就是小学哈
by Sya_Resory @ 2019-01-17 10:52:19

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